Page 66 of Pieces We Keep

“What are we talking about?” Ruin asks.

“Eagle plans to invite his lovely lady to Thanksgiving at the Pigsty.”

“Good. Selene is curious about her.”

“Well, that’s all that really matters,” Wynonna says and rolls her eyes before walking away. “I go through my entire day wondering what Selene would think about every situation.”

Ruin watches his sister return to the Pigsty. Once we’re alone, he glances at me. I can’t tell what he’s thinking because his mirrored glasses hide his blue eyes.

“This chick has Todd Rogers’s ear.”

“Not really.”

“He sent her to give us the message after Marky died.”

“He trusted her more than his sons or Ashley. That’s not really saying much.”

“He could have sent muscle.”

“And you would have gotten your back up. Todd knew you’d view Irina with less hostility. The old man is evil, but he isn’t stupid. He sized up the situation and deescalated before his son’s bullshit affected him. Nothing more complicated than that.”

“Did she tell you that?”

“No. She said he summoned her to his office and gave her the message. He claimed he didn’t trust his sons not to fuck it up. That’s all.”

“You shouldn’t let her go back there.”

“She won’t leave Fiona.”

Ruin frowns. “Have you asked?”


“Did you hint at what you want or flat-out ask? Sometimes, you’re difficult to read.”

“Well, Ruin, I did happen to use my big-boy words. That’s when she explained how she couldn’t leave Fiona.”

Doing his stubborn bullshit, he insists, “She can bring the girl.”

“And put her where?” I demand, throwing my own stubborn bullshit against his. “The chick has agoraphobia and all these brain problems. She can’t handle crowds or bright lights. So where would I stick her at the Pigsty?”

“Aren’t you planning to build a house for your chick?”


“Does she know that?”

Exhaling hard, I crack my neck and try to remember who I’m talking to here. Ruin is a bully. He isn’t our president based on his looks or brains.

The asshole just won’t give up. That’s how we beat the Jordan family back when they ran McMurdo Valley. No matter how many killers they brought into town after we killed their top hitters, Ruin wouldn’t relent. Our group would blitz the enemy before disappearing back into the harsh valley landscape. I took a bullet during one of those runs and was ready to go out again by the next round. We were unrelenting, mainly because Ruin is too stubborn to lose.

That made him an unbeatable force against our enemies. It also makes him impossible to play card games against. The guy turns every situation into a chance to defeat someone. I assume that’s why he gets along so well with his wife. Selene is a fragile woman who gives up before the battle begins. With no one to defeat, Ruin must settle his ass down.

Right now, he wants to push me to do what everyone else does. When Nomad found his woman, he snatched her up and forced her to live in his house. Well, that’s how people tell the story. But he actually stalked his pregnant obsession for months before making his move.

And Armor didn’t nail things down with Selene’s sister right off the bat. He fucked around for the entire summer.

Of course, Nomad has his happy family now. Armor’s got himself a woman and a kid. They’re in the early stages of building a house.