Page 130 of Pieces We Keep

“I’m afraid for you,” I whisper when I can’t stop crying.

Eagle kisses me softly before guiding my hands along his body. When his lips free mine, he stares into my eyes.

“I’m okay. Yagger got it the worst, but he’ll be okay. I know this kind of shit is new for you. Violence feels like a violation. But this is how we have to roll, sometimes.”

“I thought I was strong enough, but I see you and—”

Kissing away my panic, Eagle wraps his arms around me and lets his love erase the cold dread dragging me down. I inhale his familiar scent. He feels strong, despite his battered face.

“Are you in pain?” I ask when Eagle steps back and studies me.

“My jaw took the brunt of shit.”

“Sorry, Irina,” Tomcat calls out from somewhere. “Eagle’s gonna need to lay off eating you out for a few days.”

His comment wins chuckles from some of his club family. I catch Ruin roll his eyes, and Armor wears a snarly look.

“But only for a few days, right?” I ask Eagle while tugging at his bloodied T-shirt.

Eagle stops frowning over at his club brother’s comment and catches on to my teasing tone. A smirk warms his face, even as he winces.

“I should clean up,” he says and takes my hand.

“Take it easy, tiger,” Walla Walla warns his club friend. “No roughhousing for you or the pregnant lady.”

“Thanks, Armor. I’ll be careful.”

Everyone laughs at Walla Walla who takes a bow. “I’m the new den mother.”

This comment turns everyone’s taunting attention to Armor who’s been replaced. Meanwhile, Eagle and I sneak off to our room, where he kisses me again.

“Please, don’t be sad.”

“I’m trying. I had a weird day.”

Eagle’s expression is all twisted up when he thinks he’s let me down.

“I felt the baby move earlier.”

His frown flips sideways before his smile warms the entire room. He yanks his shirt off and kneels to speak to my belly.

“Little Clementine,” Eagle murmurs and lifts my shirt so he can kiss my ticklish bump. “I’m going to build you a home, where you’ll always feel safe.”

Grinning, I run my fingers through his hair and try to ignore the lump on his forehead.

In the shower, I see the beginning of many bruises across his chest and rib cage along with scratches along his throat. Despite his swollen jaw, he kisses me like a man on fire.

I assume the earlier violence supercharged his libido. Eagle can’t keep his hands off me as we move from the shower to the bed. I maneuver us so I’m on his lap.

Despite his wild arousal, I need to be tender with him. Eagle’s body feels powerful yet battered. I kiss his scratched throat as his cock teases my slit.

“Don’t be scared,” he whispers as I suck on his flesh. “Fighting is one of the only things I’ve ever been good at.”

Eagle’s love is palpable, filling the room. Staring into his eyes, I see straight into the soul of the man I want to grow old with. However, I’ve struggled to commit to him and my second chance at a family. No one can sabotage me like the woman I see in the mirror.

Tonight, I kiss his swollen jaw and offer him a smile. “It’s okay for me to be scared and worry about you. You own my heart. If I weren’t afraid, what we feel wouldn’t be real.”

Eagle hears my acceptance of his lifestyle and our future. I’m not asking him to change. I’m also not holding back. I’m scared but in love.