Page 131 of Pieces We Keep

His calloused hands skim my spine as his cock fills my body. Sex has always been the easiest part of our relationship. We make the best kind of passion.

It’ll take longer to be as free with my heart as I am with my body. However, as I move with Eagle closer to our joint pleasure, I’m empowered to face whatever necessary to free myself from the past. Only then can I offer Eagle everything he deserves.


The Halvorson blowupdoesn’t sour the holidays at the Pigsty or around McMurdo Valley. Ruin refuses to talk to Urick over his son’s bullshit. My president wants to focus on Selene and Joie as they spend their first Christmas together.

As bruises fade and cuts heal, my club family celebrates another year on top.

Irina and I spend Christmas day with Fiona at the guesthouse. There is no tree or decorations. With Irina at my side, though, I feel like a kid with the best gift waiting for him on Christmas morning.

The new year brings big plans. I hire the same company building Armor’s place to draw up designs for my own house. Irina and I spend our free time scouring the internet for ideas and wandering around Lowe’s. We decide on five bedrooms—ours, two for future kids, one for my nephews, and one for my niece. There’ll be a guest house accessed through a breezeway. I insist on an indoor pool room and a basement for the kids’ playroom.

“It seems like too much,” Irina says more than once.

“I lived like a bachelor for twenty years, saving all the money I made from the club. Let me splurge now to make our dream home. They’ll be plenty left over.”

Irina trusts me to make smart choices. She opens up a lot in the new year. Finding her footing, she schedules lunches with her new friends and pushes herself at therapy.

After the first few sessions, Irina asks me to come along with her.

“The doctor feels I might get upset and need someone to drive me home,” she explains.

Despite Irina’s reassurances, I still think I’m in trouble. I’m even more certain when Doctor Cynthia—as she’s known around the Pigsty—explains how I’m not supposed to distract Irina from her grief.

“Don’t say everything will be okay or try to get her mind on something else,” insists Doctor Cynthia. “Irina’s kept her mind on something else for many years. It’s time for her to dig deep and feel what she’s been hiding from.”

“Okay,” I mumble, feeling scolded.

The shrink smirks. “You aren’t in trouble, Eagle.”

Still feeling on the spot, I do as Doctor Cynthia asks and listen to Irina tell me a story about Owen. We look at a picture of the boy while she shares. Irina gets teary-eyed and seems to want to shut down the conversation.

“Owen needs to be remembered,” says Doctor Cynthia softly.

Irina finishes her story about Owen’s love for chicken nuggets. She seems depressed afterward, and I immediately want to fix her pain.