Page 129 of Pieces We Keep

The reality is Fiona is smart to kiss Todd’s ass. Her father’s money would provide her stability. Back in Vermont, Fiona once envisioned a future where she had the money to live comfortably without anyone pushing her around. Now, she’s ensuring Todd puts her above Larry.

If she can toughen up enough to claim what she wants, I need to dig down deep inside myself to do the same.

Tonight, I’ll text Landry about getting together after Christmas. I’ll do the same with the sisters. I could visit them since Selene has so much trouble leaving her house. I’ll invite Callie out for lunch. See if Wynonna wants to get a facial with me.

Feeling empowered by my new plan, I finish driving to the Pigsty. I’m startled when halfway up the road to the lodge, I’m surrounded by leaving Harleys.

Tomcat stops long enough for me to lower my window.

“Shit is going down. Get in the house and lock yourself in there until we return. Don’t leave. Don’t open the door. If you get spooked, head to the panic room. Got it?”

Though I think to ask about Eagle, Tomcat’s already gone by the time I open my mouth. He races after the others to destination unknown.

I pull the SUV to the side of the Pigsty and hurry inside. After a little fumbling, I remember Eagle’s instructions on how to lock down the building and turn on the security system. With the shades drawn, I feel semi-safe in the main living room.

Texting Landry, I ask if she’s okay. She says Nomad raced off with Eagle. I feel better knowing my soft-hearted biker isn’t alone.

Over the next hour, the girl gang starts a group text. I wish I could include Fiona, but the text-to-voice option she uses would allow her father to eavesdrop.

My new friends’ words calm my edginess. Wynonna claims the fight with the Halvorson family in Canary Basin is over.

“They jumped Yagger. Hobo was prowling around, saw shit go down, called for reinforcements. The group is on their way to the hospital.”

“Why would they jump Yagger?” Yazmin asks.

“Powerplay bullshit. Don’t worry about it. Yagger’s just getting checked out and then everyone’s headed home.”

“Does this kind of thing happen often?” I text rather than keep the question to myself.

“There are long stretches when nothing happens. Suddenly, a single fucker starts shit, and the others want their shot. That’s been this last year. Violence is part of the Steel Berserkers’ life. You have to trust they’ll keep coming out on top.”

Wynonna’s words add another layer of comfort over my fear. When I first locked down the Pigsty, I sat forward on the couch, ready to run. As time passes, I end up on my side.

Soon, I feel the lightest flutters in my belly. The baby’s tiny movements leave me teary-eyed. The growing darkness outside rachets up my anxiety.

I finally text Eagle, needing him to tell me how he’s on his way home. When he doesn’t reply, I’m ready to panic again.

That’s when I hear the distinct roar of motorcycles arriving. Instantly invigorated, I hurry to the front double doors. The sight of all of them together erases my fears. Well, until I notice their battered faces and busted knuckles.

Goose is the first one through the door. As she passes by me, I notice her throat and right eye are bruised.

“We came, we saw, we kicked their asses,” she announces while heading to the kitchen.

I step back, nervous now about Eagle’s injuries. Ruin and Nomad enter next, large and intimidating. Armor and Dice help Yagger past me and to the family room.

I know Eagle must be okay. They’d tell me if he was seriously hurt. I need to be strong if I want to be with a man like Eagle. His dangerous life was something I knew about early on. I can’t hope to change the rules now.

Despite my best efforts, I gasp when Eagle enters sporting a busted eyebrow and swollen lip. The tears come fast and furious. My shaking hands cup his face.

“You should see the other guy,” Eagle says as his thumbs wipe away my tears. “Don’t be upset.”

“What happened?”

“Assholes messed with Yagger. We messed with them back.”

“Are you okay?” I ask, looking over his battered face. “You seem really hurt.”

“No, I’m just bruised up. Nothing’s broken.”