Page 109 of Pieces We Keep

“Well, they obviously won’t. My children are morons,” Todd spits out before surprising me with a chuckle. “That’s the problem with knocking up bimbos. The kids often take after their stupid mothers.”

“True, but troublemakers know you have a small army running around this estate. They’re also aware of our agreement. Even the Halvorson family understands that taking a swipe at you will be the end of them.”

Todd’s attention is immediately piqued by the mention of the other rich family in the county. Ruin’s been pointing the two families at each other for a while to keep them from challenging us.

Today, Todd Rogers hears what he wants from Ruin. They’re aligned, so whoever hits Todd is also challenging the club. Despite those reassurances, his angry gaze returns to me.

“Does this girlfriend of yours plan to stick around or will she move into that party house of yours?”

Even sensing he knows about her pregnancy, I only shrug. “We’ll see. She’s fond of your daughter, and I’ve been single for a long time.”

Todd realizes he can’t intimidate me like he does his stupid sons. I sense he doesn’t really suspect we grabbed Jimbo. Having another son screw up, Todd needs to feel out his allies.

“Years back,” Todd says and leans back in his chair as if he’s ready for his nap now, “Urick Halvorson got his panties in a bunch over a missing thug he had working for him. Apparently, the shithead was special to the boss man. Urick thought one of my boys did the thug in. Made very specific accusations and several veiled threats.”

“Did he now?” Ruin asks, using his McMurdo Valley mayor voice.

“Turned out his special thug had offed himself out in the woods. Urick was so busy staring down his enemies that he never took the time to search his property for the body.”

In a tone filled with malice, Ruin replies, “Urick knows horses and not much else.”

Todd offers one of his nasty, little smirks. “Well, I’ve had my property searched,” he says and shrugs his bony shoulders. “Maybe not well enough.”

“Well, whatever you find, let us know. Allies don’t keep secrets.”

Ruin’s sharp tone is one of the reasons he’s in charge. He’s so good at bullshitting people. Other weaker men might give away their guilt. Instead, Ruin acts like Todd is the one hiding something from the club.

“I’m done,” Todd says and waves us off. “I have people coming over later. I need my rest. Feel free to show yourself out.”

“Can I stop by the guesthouse to see Irina?” I ask, gaining a frown from the three other men.

Todd gives me his usual pissy grandpa snarl. “I don’t have anything to hide. Go visit your little miss.”

Without waiting for him to add anything more, I head out of the room. I hear Ruin grunt his disapproval. Knowing him, that response is for show, too.

I walk through the hallway and past the maid and a few armed guards before reaching the front doors. Down the front steps, I make a hard left toward the guesthouse down the road.

Draped in a heavy coat, a security guy shivers in a chair placed on the front driveway. His AR-15 rests nearby. He glances up from his phone when I approach. Based on his expression, he’s already been informed of my identity.

His gaze flashes to Ruin and Armor moseying in this direction. I notice his jaw tighten, but he keeps his ass planted in the chair.

After I knock on the front door, I hear someone tugging back a bolt lock. The door opens to reveal a wide-eyed Irina.

“What’s happening?”

“I came for a meeting. Now, I get my reward.”

Irina grins as I lean down to sweep her into my arms. She feels different than anything I’ve ever known. The way she grips my jacket and plants a kiss on my lips leaves me with a silly grin on my face. I’m staring into her eyes when Ruin and Armor catch up.

“Oh boy,” mutters my president like he isn’t as lovestruck over his woman.

“Would you like to come inside?” Irina asks as her arms remain wrapped around my waist. “Fiona and I were just watching ‘Citizen Kane.’”

“Well, we don’t want to interrupt that,” Ruin says even while walking past us.

“We don’t have beer,” Fiona announces when she’s joined by my president and VP. “Or any alcohol.”

“It’s noon,” Ruin tells her.