Page 108 of Pieces We Keep

“No, she is. It’s a package deal. You brought her to Thanksgiving dinner. She hung out with the Steel Berserkers. If Ashley wants to target another heir to Todd’s throne, she’ll go after Larry.”

Irina exhales unsteadily. “I’m sorry I can’t remain calm.”

“It’s okay to be scared, but you have value to important people. Todd is an old man who wants to live forever. That’s why he didn’t fight the club over Marky. He won’t start shit just to get rid of Fiona. If he wants her to leave his estate, I’ll take care of her. You know that. Everything is okay.”

“I love you,” Irina says, sounding calmer now. “I miss you.”

“I love you, too. Don’t worry. Todd will end the lockdown soon. Locals are starting to talk. That’s why he’s scheduled a meeting with Ruin tomorrow.”

Losing her panic, Irina asks if I want to name the baby Claire.

“No,” I reply immediately, making her laugh.

Just like that, our conversation turns away from the estate’s bullshit and focuses on the baby inside her. I mention the name my mom planned for Harper.

Irina immediately gets what I’m hinting at and says, “Clementine Finch would be a beautiful name.”

“Let it rest and we’ll talk later,” I reply, afraid she won’t tell me the truth.

“No, you want it, and I like it. That’s her name. Don’t argue with me. I’m under a lot of stress. I need my baby to have a sweet name.”

Grinning at her attempt at a tough-chick tone, I hope Ruin’s meeting with Todd will settle shit down in the Valley. I miss my woman in my arms.

The next morning, I wake up to find a message from Ruin. He’s tagged me to join him at the meeting. I’ve never attended these things before. He occasionally brings Armor. Sometimes, Nomad tags along to act as the giant, intimidating biker in the background. The rest of us usually sit out these meetings.

I don’t have time to ask about the specifics before I link up with my president and VP at the front of the Rogers estate. Ruin takes the lead, revving his hog’s engine when the front gate is slow to open. The security guys get out of the way as we race up the drive to the big house. I can’t help glancing toward the guesthouse when I climb off my hog.

Irina is within reach. I’m so tempted to walk over and see the place I can never seem to picture in my head.

Rather than run off, I remain close to Ruin and Armor as we enter the main doors. The maid gives us a dirty look, as if we’re stinking up her palace.

A suited assistant appears to guide us to Todd’s office. The house’s cold décor reminds me of a museum. Finally, after walking through a maze, we arrive at a large, dark wood–lined office. Behind a desk sits the scrawny old man who’s wielded oppressive power in McMurdo Valley since before I was born.

Todd’s beady blue eyes land on me immediately as he skips the formalities and announces, “Jimbo is missing.”

Ruin scratches at his beard and asks, “Missing as in he’s run off or as in someone fucked him up?”

Peeling his gaze from me, Todd scowls at Ruin. “You tell me.”

“Why would we fuck him up?”

Todd gestures with his chin at me. “He has reason.”

“But I don’t have opportunity,” I reply immediately, winning a glare from Ruin. “Jumping your son while he’s fucking about in town would bring down all the heat on me. My president made clear how we’re supposed to give your family plenty of space. That’s why I never come over here to visit my girlfriend.”

Todd’s gaze holds mine, searching for something. Asshole Lloyd used to pull the same move when he would suspect I had people over while the family was gone on a vacation. My sisters and Mom would stand nearby, watching him study me. I could tell the little bitches hoped I’d crack, but I never did. My mom would always give me a little wink afterward for holding my own.

When I don’t flinch, Todd says, “Well, Jimbo didn’t up and leave with none of his shit.”

Armor shrugs. “Could he be pitching a fit and hiding out on your land? A man could disappear for months out there.”

“Jimbo wasn’t raised to be a dirty hippie like that biker you pal around with. He isn’t going to hide in the damn woods just to get a rise out of me.”

“Look, Todd,” Ruin says while rubbing his beard and doing his “thinking hard” expression, “you’ve had some hardships this last year, with Marky, Fiona, and now Jimbo. People are getting ideas.”

The old man sneers, “Are they now?”

“People think your heirs won’t live up to their old man.”