London smiled, her eyes bright with what I suspected were tears. “Thank you.”

Mom looked at me. “Have you two decided where you’ll be living?”

I looked at London, and when she nodded, I said, “Here. I believe we’re planning on living here in New York.”

My mum surprised me with a smile. “I’ve always wanted to spend some time in the Big Apple,” she said.

“Really?” I raised an eyebrow.

“A change of scenery might do me some good,” she continued. “I’ll fly back home to sort things out with your sisters, then find a place to rent here. I want to be here for the arrival of my grandchild, after all.”

London hugged her. “It’ll be great to have you here with my mom being so far away,” she said. “How about you staying for dinner tonight? Let’s get to know each other better.”

“I’d love that,” my mum replied, her eyes shining.

As I placed the order for dinner, I couldn’t help but feel grateful for the turn of events. Just a few hours ago, I was worried about the future of my relationship with London. Now, it seemed like everything was falling into place.

* * *

Next day,I walked into the crowded restaurant, scanning the room for Stan. He had asked me to meet him for lunch so I could get caught up on the current state of the musical. I spotted him and made my way over.

“Hey Spencer,” Stan greeted me, standing up for a hug. “Glad you could make it on a Sunday. What’s up?”

I took a seat across from him at our usual booth in the deli's corner. The aroma of pastrami and corned beef filled the air, making my stomach grumble.

“So, Tomma’s done a good job filling in for London, right?” I asked, taking a bite of my sandwich.

Stan nodded, still chewing. “Yeah, she’s gotten excellent reviews. But, to be honest, I’m glad London’s back. Tomma got a little too big for her britches, spreading rumors.”

I raised an eyebrow. “What kind of rumors?”

“I don’t really know,” Stan said with a shrug. “But Tomma’s been causing a lot of tension backstage. The chemistry between Timothy and Tomma was great, but it doesn’t hold a candle to the chemistry he had with London. Though, to be fair, that faded towards the end, right before London got hurt.”

I felt a pang of guilt in my chest. I knew I was partly to blame for the tension between London and Timothy.

I sighed. “Well, I’ll talk to Timothy. Make sure he knows that just because London and I are a couple now, it doesn’t mean she can’t act in a love scene with him on stage.”

Stan chuckled. “I think he’ll appreciate that.”

“I’ll make it right,” I said, determined. “London and Timothy are both talented actors, and I won’t let anything I’ve caused stand in the way of the show’s success.”

Stan clapped me on the back. “That’s what I like to hear, my friend. Let’s make this show a hit musical that’ll run on Broadway for decades.”

I took a sip of my beer and grinned. “You got it. Let’s do this.”



Tuesday wasmy first night back in the theater after my accident almost three weeks ago, and I was eager to get back on stage. I arrived early to go over my lines and choreography, but as I rehearsed a couple of dance moves on stage, I felt rusty. Afterwards, as I made my way to my dressing room, my nerves kicked in.

I settled into my chair to go over my script once again, when I heard a knock on the door. Tomma strolled in without waiting for an invitation, carrying a smirk on her face. I barely looked up from my script, but her next words caught my attention.

“London, dear,” she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “You really should practice more. That was pathetic what you just did out there.”

I stood up, my anger rising. It was clear she was in my dressing room just to get under my skin before the show.

“What are you doing, Tomma? Spreading more false rumors? I’m tired of hearing all the lies you’ve been telling everyone, including my best friend Mercedes.”