“That’s the greenhouse,” I said. “My mother loves plants and flowers, so my father built that for her as a first anniversary gift. It contains all of her favorites.”

“That’s so sweet,” London said, squeezing my hand in understanding. She knew that the mention of my father was still a sensitive topic for me.

“Down there are the stables,” I continued. “A few of my cousins keep their competition horses here, but there are several that we can ride. I believe there are eight horses available for general use, if you’re interested.”

“I’m not much of a rider,” London said, “but I’ll have to let my sister Rose know. She loves animals. She has a ranch in Colorado.”

I was about to suggest that Rose would be welcome to visit us at the estate any time, but I remembered the limitations of my family’s expectations. If I were to accept my father’s title and become the head of the York family, I would have to leave New York behind.

I had thought that I would make this choice, but the more I learned about the life my grandmother had planned for me, the more I realized I couldn’t. Not because I was unable to handle the responsibilities, but because I couldn’t bear to lose London. If there was a way to have both, I would take it, but as long as I had to choose between them, I would choose her.

That’s why I had wanted her to attend the garden party with me yesterday and why I wanted to show her the estate today. Once I made it known that I wouldn’t be staying in England and marrying someone appropriate, I wasn’t sure if I would still have access to all of this.

“I say, I’m feeling a bit peckish,” I blurted. “Shall we see if Tava has laid out tea?”

London chuckled and shook her head.

“What did I do now?”

“Did you know you sound more English the longer you’re here?” she asked with a smile. “I mean, you had a bit of an accent in New York, but now you’re talking about ‘tea’ and being ‘peckish.’”

I raised an eyebrow. “Is that so?”

She stretched up and planted a kiss on my cheek. “I think it’s charming.”

“Charming.” I sighed, feigning a dramatic tone. “Just what every chap wants to hear.”

“How about handsome? Irresistible? Dashing? Riveting?”

“Riveting?” I chuckled. “I’m not sure that’s an improvement over charming.”

As we made our way back to the main house, I felt some of the weight of my grief lifting. My father might not have had the chance to get to know London, and I didn’t know if he would have ever overcome my grandmother’s objections, but I like to think he would have wanted me to be happy, and London made me happy.

* * *

Her body shuddered under me,my name spilling from her lips as she came. The sound of it, the feel of her pussy tightening around my cock, and the look of sheer bliss on her face pushed me over the edge. White-hot pleasure washed over me, pulling me under until I couldn’t even think.

A few minutes—or maybe hours—later, I found myself lying on my back, staring at the ceiling, listening to London’s breathing slow down. The day had been good all around, ending with a bloody excellent finale. The estate was as beautiful as I remembered, and the staff was as competent as ever.

However, a nagging voice in my head whispered that something had been amiss with the staff. They had been stiff, even by British standards. I understood it would take time for everyone to get used to me being the Baron, but I had not considered the practical implications of my new position. The last time I was here, I was just another York child, no more special than any of my siblings. Now, I was in charge, the one responsible for signing their paychecks.

I looked over at London as she let out a sigh. “Is something wrong?” I asked.

“I was hoping I could distract you from overthinking,” she said.

I put my arm around her and pulled her close, kissing her temple. “You did, love. My mind is just especially active.”

“Try to get some sleep,” she said, her fingers tracing patterns across my chest.

“I will,” I replied, finding it difficult to turn off my brain. But as I focused on the feeling of London in my arms and the sound of her breathing, I gradually grew drowsy and finally fell into a peaceful sleep.

I didn’t stir until morning, having slept deeply without a single dream. London was already up and getting dressed, her hair damp from her morning shower.

“Good morning,” she greeted me with a smile. “How are you feeling?”

“Better,” I said truthfully. “I haven’t slept that well in a while.”

“I told Tava we would like brunch instead of breakfast since it’s almost noon,” London said. “And I was thinking I’d like to check out the greenhouse today. Do you think your mother would be okay with that?”