I’d already checkedthe word online, and it wasn’t good, but I didn’t think my friends had seen it yet. At least, when we met at our usual diner for brunch, nobody mentioned anything, and that would have been the first thing out of their mouths.
Halfway through our meal, after my friends had filled me in on the latest news in their lives, I cleared my throat to get their attention. “There’s something I need to tell you guys before you hear it from someone else.” I looked at each of them, stopping at Mercedes, since what I had to say would affect her the most. “I’m dating Spencer York.”
Three sets of eyes stared at me in stunned silence for a minute before Mercedes spoke. “Well, now things make more sense.”
“What makes more sense?” Gin asked. “Because London dating the producer of her show makes no sense at all.”
The shock in my friend’s voice didn’t surprise me. I would be shocked by my behavior too.
“I kept telling myself I was just imagining things,” Mercedes said. “He looks at you differently than the other actresses, and you do the same when you look at him.”
Rocio’s eyes narrowed. “Yeah, you’ve been acting like you’re getting laid lately.”
I sighed. “Really, Rocio? That’s your response?”
He shrugged. “I say more power to you.”
“Can I ask a question?” Mercedes reached for her drink. “It might upset you.”
I had a feeling I knew what was coming. “Go ahead. I won’t get mad.”
“Did you know him before we went to the audition?”
“Remember that terrible date you sent me on with the cokehead?”
“Yeah.” Mercedes looked puzzled.
“Do you remember telling you about how I ducked into a pub when it started raining, and I met this handsome English guy who I slept with?” I used my straw to play with the ice in my glass.
“You’re fuckin’ with us,” Mercedes said, frowning. “That was Spencer?”
“Yes,” I nodded. The audition was the first time I learned he was producing the show.
“That also explains why you introduced him to your family on opening night,” Mercedes said.
“We’re not exactly trying to hide, but we’re keeping things low-key,” I explained. “Or, at least, we were.”
“So...what happened?” Gin asked, her curiosity piqued. “You said you wanted to tell us before we heard it from somewhere else.”
“Spencer and I went to a club opening last night, and the paparazzi spotted us,” I replied.
Gin raised an eyebrow. “I love you, London, but you’re not exactly a big enough name for that to make headlines.”
“You and Spencer went to Show & Tell?” Mercedes asked, her eyes growing wide.
“What’s Show & Tell?” Gin asked, unfamiliar with the name.
“It’s a new private club where the daring and adventurous go to have some fun,” Mercedes explained, a mischievous grin spreading across her face.
Rocio let out a low whistle. “Well, fuck. Rich British producer takes the young lead of his new show to a sex club. The headline writes itself.”
Gin pulled out her phone. “I haven’t heard anything about it. Are you sure it’s going to be an issue?...Oh.”
I sighed. “It’s gaining more attention, isn’t it?”
“I wouldn’t say it’s gained traction, but what’s being said isn’t good,” Gin reported, her expression serious.
I reached for my phone, but then stopped and shook my head. “I don’t want to know.”