Her face practically glowed as she came over to where I stood, and I could see the restraint it took for her not to reach for me.

“Did it look as good as it felt?” she asked. “Because it felt amazing.”

“I haven’t seen it done any better,” I said honestly. “Not here, and not on the West End, either.”

She beamed even more. “Really?”

I nodded. I wanted so badly to lift her up and steal her away to somewhere private.

“C’mon, Let’s find my parents. I want to hear what my family thinks.” She started to reach out her hand, then dropped it, her smile dimming. “Sorry.”

I shook my head as I followed her. Pitching my voice low, I said, “I’m practically dying to kiss you right now, and if I thought I could without revealing our secret to the cast members and crew, I’d do it.”

The pleased expression on her face told me I’d said the right thing. It was the truth, too.

Then I spotted Carson and saw Vix with him, her arms full of flowers. Next to them was a slender blonde woman who shared enough features with London for me to know that was her sister, Maggie, the violinist. I assumed the tall, auburn-haired man beside her was her husband, Drake Mac Gilleain.

Then we were standing in front of a man and woman who could only be Patrick and Theresa McCrae.

Patrick, at least double my age, was in great shape. Theresa was slender, and I could see London got her beauty from her mum. London’s features, however, were just Patrick’s features feminized.

“Mom, Da.” London hugged them both. “What did you think?”

“You were brilliant, lass.” Patrick’s accent was still fairly thick, even though he’d been in the US many years.

“Aye,” Drake spoke up from his place next to Maggie. “I’ve never seen better.”

“Good work,” Carson said, holding out his hand.

It took me a moment to realize that he was speaking to me. “Thank you.” I shook his hand.

“Mom, Da, this is Spencer York.” London put her hand on my arm, the touch brief but reassuring. “He’s the show’s producer…and my boyfriend.”

“Is that so?” Theresa’s eyes narrowed. “Boyfriendandproducer.”

“When did this happen?” Maggie asked, eyes wide with surprise.

“It’s a fairly recent development,” London said.

“Nice to meet you.” Drake held out a hand. His tone was polite enough, but the pressure he put on my hand as we shook left little doubt that he was taking my measure. “I’m Drake.”

“London has told me a lot about you,” I said. “About all of you.”

“You’re English.” Patrick’s words were mild.

“I am.” I smiled. “Londoner, ironically enough.”

“And you met my daughter when she auditioned for your show,” Patrick continued. “A show in which she just so happened to get the lead.”

“I assure you, Mr. McCrae, that London earned her role through pure talent.” I gave her a soft look. “She’s a wonderful actress.”

“She is,” Maggie agreed. “I’m glad you saw that.”

“I’ve heard you’re quite the musician,” I said to Maggie. “Perhaps one day I can persuade you to share your talents in a new way.”

“You seem to have something for everyone in London’s life,” Theresa said. “I noticed her friend Mercedes also had a role in tonight’s show.”

“Mercedes earned her role as well,” I said.