“Caviar?” I asked, intrigued.

“Yes, you know, the wealthy people love to have it on hand, but in reality, it’s just fish eggs and can be quite disappointing,” she said with a delicate frown.

“I couldn’t agree more,” I chuckled. “I’ve never been a fan myself.”

Just then, two more waiters rushed in and out of the kitchen, and our server still hadn’t returned. I let out a sigh and said, “Perhaps it would be better if we moved on to another establishment. What do you think?”

“Certainly,” London said, grabbing her purse. “How about that charming pub where we first met?”

I smiled. Every time I thought she couldn’t be more perfect, she surprised me with something like this. She took pleasure in just being in each other’s company and not seeking anything more.

As we left the restaurant, I left enough money to cover the drinks we never got to enjoy. The hostess looked at us with confusion as we passed her by, but I simply smiled and said, “Thanks for the entertainment. It’s been quite a show!”

London giggled beside me as we walked away, leaving the hostess standing there in disbelief. What a breath of fresh air she was, making this evening just as memorable as our first date at the pub.

As we walked away from the restaurant, London looked up at me with a playful glint in her eye. “You know, Spencer,” she said, “I think this is just the beginning of our own little Monty Python adventure.” And with a laugh, she took my hand, and we headed off to the pub.

We hailed a cab and as the vehicle started moving, I couldn’t resist the temptation to lean in and kiss London. Her lips were soft and warm, and the aroma of her perfume filled my nostrils. I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her close, deepening the kiss. London responded eagerly, her fingers entangled in my hair.

The cab driver’s clearing of his throat brought us back to reality. I reluctantly ended the kiss, but kept my arm around London as we laughed and regained our composure. The rest of the ride was a blur of whispered words and stolen kisses. By the time we arrived at the pub, I was completely enamored with this incredible woman at my side.

As we settled into a cozy booth in the corner, London leaned back and took a deep breath, her contented smile spreading across her face. After placing our orders with a much more amiable server, we enjoyed an uninterrupted conversation.

“You mentioned that your father’s from Scotland. Have you ever been there yourself?” I asked.

“I’ve been there enough to feel comfortable,” she replied. “All of my siblings on my dad’s side were born in Scotland, and he wanted us to keep that part of our heritage. Plus, he wanted my older siblings to feel close to their mom.”

“Is Carson one of them?”

London nodded. “I only have two full biological brothers, Sean and Xander. They’re twins and older than me. The three of us were born in California.”

“Have you ever been to any other part of the UK, like London?” I asked with a chuckle, considering her name.

She laughed and shook her head. “No, I haven’t had the chance to venture outside of Scotland. I’ve been all over Edinburgh and Glasgow, but never beyond.”

“An idea just hit me,” I said. “With the start of the preview phase of the show next week, this weekend is our last chance to travel for a while. I was thinking of going back home to London for a few days. Would you like to join me? You could see some of the city and, if you’re comfortable, meet my parents.”

London’s eyes widened. “Your parents?”

“Yes, my parents,” I replied with a grin. “I can’t very well go to London and not see my mum. Although, I’ll admit it might be soon for the whole ‘meet the parents’ talk. But I’d love for my mum to meet you.”

I brought our hands to my lips and gently kissed her knuckles. “So, what do you say? Are you up for a trip to England this weekend?”



When Spencer invitedme to join him on a trip to London, the thought of meeting his parents made my nerves kick in. I couldn’t believe he was already thinking about introducing me to the most important people in his life. On the one hand, I felt flattered and liked he was taking our relationship seriously, but I was scared. What if they didn’t like me? What if I said something awkward or embarrassing? And meeting the parents was a big step, which made me question if I was ready for it so soon.

However, I understood Spencer’s reasoning for wanting to see his parents while he was in London. It would be a waste for him to travel all that way and not visit with them.

Despite my apprehension, the idea of exploring a new city with Spencer was too tempting to resist. Deep down, I also wanted to meet the people who had helped shape him into the person he was today. So, I told Spencer that I would accompany him to London.

Now, as we traveled to the airport, I sat in the town car, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. My jaw dropped as I realized we would fly on Spencer’s private jet. Technically, it belonged to his family, but it was my first time experiencing this level of luxury.

As I looked out the window, I was struck by how much my life had changed since I met Spencer. He was unlike any other person I had dated before, and the thought both scared and exhilarated me.

“Nervous?” Spencer asked, covering my hand with his.