After a moment of silence, she spoke. “All right, I’ll ask it. What does this mean? Or does it mean anything?”

I decided. “I’d like it to mean something.”

I pushed myself into a sitting position, and she sat next to me, pulling the sheet to cover herself, though I didn’t know if it was discomfort at being naked or the chill in the air. Either way, it was probably a good idea. Easier to talk if I wasn’t distracted by her breasts.

“I don’t usually sleep with women who work on my show,” I said. “For obvious reasons.”

“Yeah.” She looked sheepish. “I don’t make a habit of sleeping with producers or anyone involved in shows I’m in.”

“It does…complicate things,” I said. “But it didn’t play any role in you getting cast, and it won’t get you preferential treatment.”

“And I wouldn’t expect it,” she said.

“We both know other people might not see it that way,” I said. “But I can’t say that I care.”

She smiled. “Me either.”

“I’d like to see where this goes,” I continued.

“Like out in public?” she asked.

“I think we should keep things low-key,” I admitted. “No displays of affection at work, that sort of thing.”

She studied me for a minute and then smiled. “I think I’d like that.” Then, without another word, she bounced up off the bed. “I’m hungry. We should order breakfast.”

As I studied her walk over to the desk to pick up the phone, her confident stride sending her hips swaying, I felt a sense of excitement and calm wash over me at the same time. Something about being in her presence made all of my anxieties fade away. Perhaps I could even allow myself to consider the possibility of a relationship. One that could bring true happiness.

But as I thought of my grandmother and her expectations for me to continue climbing the social ladder, I realized I needed to be upfront with London about my family’s wealth and status. I knew she deserved to know what she was getting into, but as she stood before me, her nipples tight and her body inviting, I couldn’t bring myself to mention it. I told myself that if things between us only led to a few more dates, it would be silly to bring my family’s baggage into it. When the time was right, I would let her know.

“Hey London,” I said, reaching for her hand. “I have dinner plans with Stan tonight, but I’d love to spend tomorrow and Sunday with you if that’s okay.”

“That sounds great,” she replied, a smile spreading across her face. “I’m meeting my brother and sister today, so those days work for me.”

I grinned in response. “Perfect.”

“Now,” she purred, her sultry gaze locked onto mine. “Breakfast will be here in about forty minutes. And I wonder, what do you propose we do with all that time?”

I let out a low growl as I reached for her, pulling her close to me. The heat radiating from her body was palpable, and I couldn’t wait to feel her soft curves pressed against mine. “I have a few ideas,” I murmured, my lips trailing down her neck. The way she let out a soft sigh in response sent a jolt of desire through my body, fueling my hunger for her even more.

* * *

As I enteredthe restaurant for my appointment with Stan, I felt a small twinge of discomfort when my shirt brushed against the nail marks from last night’s fiery encounter. I quickly dismissed the feeling, knowing that the passionate night and morning with London was well worth it.

“You seem in good spirits,” Stan commented as I took my seat across from him. “I know you were dreading going back to England, but it looks like something, or someone, put a pep in your step.”

“I was dreading it,” I admitted. “So much so that I returned to New York early.”

Stan’s grin widened. “And I have a feeling I know what, or rather who, was behind that change of heart,” he said in a knowing tone. “Don’t tell me it’s London?”

I gave a nonchalant shrug, trying to play it cool. “Oh, come on, Stan. Don’t be ridiculous,” I said with a chuckle. “But enough about me. Let’s talk about the rehearsals. How are they shaping up? I’m all ears.”

“The rehearsals are going great,” Stan said. “Timothy and London have amazing chemistry. It’s almost as if they’re not acting.” He shot me a searching look and continued, “It’s impressive to watch.” As he spoke, I felt a pang of jealousy. I knew their chemistry was just part of the job, but the image of London enjoying Timothy’s kisses wouldn’t leave my mind. Just as I was struggling to shake it off, a boisterous man plopped down in the seat behind me, his loud laughter drowning out Stan’s words. I turned around, giving the man a pointed look, trying to convey that his behavior was disruptive, but he and his companion seemed entirely unaware.

“It’s the best gig,” the man boasted. “I mean, I can offer them what no other man can, and they’re so grateful. They all end up in bed with me.”

“All of them?” The other man’s doubt was obvious in his tone.

“Well, if they’re uncooperative, I make sure everyone knows it,” the man said with a laugh. “Like at the start of December, there was this one bitch.”