The four ofus were on our way to the Shubert Theatre after Rocio had shared the news of an open audition for a new show headed straight to Broadway. My friends were over the moon. However, I was less excited, still feeling the impact of my recent setbacks. And I knew that getting into this show would be a real challenge.

The concept was certainly intriguing, but I wasn’t foolish enough to believe that I had anything more than a slim chance of getting the lead role. The understudy role, on the other hand, was a possibility. If only my luck would change and I could avoid creepy directors trying to get into my pants.

“There’s the theater,” Rocio gestured ahead. “Aw, damn. Look at that line.”

Gin let out a low whistle, and Mercedes and I both expressed our frustration. With the wide range of roles they were casting for, I had expected a large turnout, but it was the second day of open auditions. We had all waited and come today, hoping that the turnout on the last day would be smaller.

We found the end of the line and huddled there, grateful that the building was blocking the wind as we waited. The people in front of us were already chatting, but I didn’t get the impression that they knew each other. That wasn’t uncommon. We were all competing for the same roles, and the difference was between those who were friendly with their competition and those who were not.

Three hours later, my name was finally called, and I stepped into the audition room, taking a deep breath. As I always did, I made eye contact with the person closest to the door and smiled at them. After that, as I walked to the center of the designated area, I let my gaze travel down the line of people. Then I saw a familiar face.


What the hell?

My mind went blank, my heart started racing, and I froze. I couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe, couldn’t move. It felt like someone had pulled the ground out from under me, and I was falling into an endless pit.

What was going on? Why was he here? Was this just a twisted coincidence or had the immortal gods on Broadway decided to decapitate my career with one fatal blow?

“London McCrae?” Spencer said my name as if he hadn’t been murmuring it in my ear just a week ago. His voice was emotionless, and it hit me like a slap in the face. “You may start whenever you’re ready.”

Ready? Oh, right. The audition.

I felt like I was moving in a daze. I took the audition sheet from the assistant and quickly skimmed it as I walked back to the marked spot on the floor. By the time I reached my mark, I realized I couldn’t remember anything from what I’d just read.

I tried reading the sheet again, but my mind was too clouded with confusion and fear. When I looked up, all eyes were on me, and I could sense their judgment and curiosity. I did not know what Spencer was doing because I couldn’t bring myself to even glance in his direction.

I cleared my throat to start my audition, but my voice was barely above a murmur. After the first sentence, I knew I was in trouble. My mind was racing, my heart pounding, and I felt sweat forming on my forehead. I stumbled over my words, my voice quivering with emotion. I kept feeling Spencer’s eyes on me, and couldn’t shake the sense of being utterly exposed and vulnerable. My performance was truly a disaster.

As soon as the last word had left my lips, I practically fled from the room. I couldn’t bear to face Spencer or the panel again. There was a sense of being in a trance as I stumbled out into the hallway, my mind and heart in turmoil. The sight of Spencer had completely thrown me off my game, leaving me feeling embarrassed and disappointed.

I knew deep down that I had lost any chance of getting the role. Spencer had been my downfall, and I was certain this was some cruel twist of fate, telling me it was time to find an alternative career path. I felt tears welling up in my eyes as I walked away, my career and my heart in ruins.



It surprisedme to see London McCrae audition for my show, but I shouldn’t have been. After all, she had mentioned being an actress, and we had one of the biggest turnouts Broadway had seen in quite a while for our casting call. The likelihood of her hearing about it, and me seeing her here, was higher than accidentally bumping into her at the pub where we first met.

But, even with that knowledge, the intense mix of emotions that hit me when she walked into the room still caught me off-guard. My heart raced, and my stomach flipped. I was in disbelief that she was here, right in front of me.

I gazed at her, noticing her disheveled hair and rosy cheeks. My mind immediately traveled back to memories of her soft skin and moans of pleasure, as if time had stood still and she was back in my hotel room.

However, the shock and confusion in her eyes made my heart sink. She was clearly taken aback, and I knew I was the reason. Although I had never expected to see her again, I felt terribly responsible for contributing to her distress.

“London McCrae?” I said her name, trying to keep my voice even. I wanted to give her a moment to compose herself.

As she spoke her lines, I saw the panic and fear in her eyes. Her words stumbled, and her voice wavered. My heart ached for her as I watched her try to save her audition, but it was a disaster, and then, as soon as she finished, she fled.

“That’s too bad,” Jerry Niyaz, the casting director, said from his seat next to me. “She was pretty to look at.”

“She’s the one!” I snapped and rose from my chair.

The director, Darrel Wyndham, gave me a skeptical look. “Are you joking?”