I moved behind her and hooked my fingers into the waistband, and lowered her knickers. I got a glimpse of flushed skin.

For a moment, it tempted me to lean down and lick her, but then she wiggled her ass at me, and I was lost.

Sliding inside her with one smooth thrust was like nothing I had ever felt before. Perfection. She was tight, but we fit together as if made for it. The way she caught her breath told me she felt it too, and it wasn’t just physical. The weight of that realization only stayed on me for a moment before my body’s more primal needs took precedence, and I started to move.



The Monday morningsun brought a feeling of bliss. The memory of the incredibly intimate experience I had two nights before lingered, reminding me of my encounter with the charming Englishman. Though I knew we would never meet again, our night together had left a lasting impression. My frustration with my friend Mercedes for setting me up with the biggest jerk on earth was gone, as it ultimately led me to meeting Spencer.

I savored the beauty of the day as I strolled from the subway station to the theater for the open casting calls. Despite the chill, the sun had been shining brightly enough to melt away the remnants of the slushy snow from my journey out of Spencer’s hotel the previous morning. The brightness of the day was almost overwhelming, making me regret not bringing sunglasses to protect my eyes. However, a sudden gust of wind reminded me that winter was still very much here.

The queue for the open casting calls was shorter than I expected, considering no appointments were necessary. I wasn’t sure whether to interpret this as a positive or a negative sign, but I was determined to stick with it. Not because I direly needed a job for financial reasons, but I’d reached a point of frustration in my career that had me questioning my choice of profession. I needed to land a role, even a small one, in a small play.

An hour later, I faced a panel of four people introducing themselves. I recognized the casting director and the director’s names, but I couldn’t remember if I had auditioned for them before. The two producers were unfamiliar to me, but they seemed friendly enough.

However, none of them showed any reaction as I read the script they’d provided. Not even a twitch of an eyelid to show which way they were leaning.

After I delivered my last line, the silence in the room was deafening, and I wondered if I had blown my chance.

“Allow me to escort you out,” said Russ Heyworth, the casting director, as he rose from his seat. “This way, please.”

I trailed behind him, maintaining my professional demeanor with a broad smile that concealed any hint of frustration or disappointment. If I had a nickel for every time, some man told me to smile, I would’ve been twice as rich as I was.

“You did a great job back there,” Russ said as we reached the door to the outside. “You’ve got some genuine talent.”

“Thanks,” I replied, but as I reached for the door handle, he angled his body, blocking the exit.

“You know, there’s a special event happening tonight,” he said, his tone making me feel a little uneasy. “I think you’d have a good time if you went.”

I nodded, trying to keep my smile in place. It wasn’t unusual for casting directors to want to get to know actors before casting them, but something in Russ’s tone made me feel uncomfortable.

“I hate to break it to you, but it’s unlikely that you’ll be getting the role,” he continued, his eyes roaming down my body. “However, there’s a way to change that.”

“And what’s that?” I asked, trying to keep my tone neutral as I already knew where this was heading.

“Join me as my date to the event tonight and show me just how committed you are to your craft,” he said with a suggestive smile.

I shook my head and stepped around him, making my way to the door. “I appreciate the offer, but I think I’ll have to pass. Both the invitation and the advice.”

He grabbed my arm. “You’re making a big fucking mistake,” he said, his breath foul. “Trust me, you’ll regret it.”

“Hardly,” I replied, wrestling my arm free. “Touch me again, and I’ll report you for inappropriate conduct,” I said, rushing away.

Once I was clear of him, I took a deep breath of fresh air, relieved to be away from the situation. Unfortunately, this wasn’t the first time someone had propositioned me in such a manner, suggesting that my career could reach new heights if I just gave in to their advances. Regrettably, I knew it wouldn’t be the last time, either.

People like Russ sometimes made me hate the entertainment industry.



It wasa crisp and beautiful winter morning in New York City, the sun already peeking over the skyscrapers. As I stepped out of the lift at the hotel and into the lobby, a tune involuntarily escaped from my lips. My musical moment was interrupted by the amused smile of a fellow guest who had caught my impromptu performance. I offered a sheepish grin to her and adjusted my wool cap before making my way across the lobby to the car that had been sent for me.

Making small talk with the driver, my mind couldn’t shake the thoughts of London McCrae. It kept replaying the memories of our passionate night together, the taste of her, and how she had cried out a sound of pure pleasure, a memory that sent signals straight to my lower regions.

As we neared my destination, I shifted in my seat and took a deep breath, trying to refocus on the task at hand. Stan and I had an appointment with the Vice President of Theatre Operations for the Shubert Organization to pitch my show.