Page 85 of A Kind Wedding

The bartender headed over to us. "What can I get you?”

My new friend looked at me. "What would you like?"

"I'm buying, remember? What do you want?"

He flashed a grin, revealing a dimple, and holy cow, he really was handsome. He turned to Josh. "I’ll have a bourbon and water."

"And I'll have another one of those cranberry vodka things."

Josh went to fix our drinks.

"You must come here a lot if you know the bartender's name,” I said.

"I come here enough. It’s not really my ambiance, but the owners run a good club. I know one of them and have been bugging him to open one like this but with a sports theme.”

I frowned. "Aren't there a lot of sports bars?"

"Yes, but I mean like this with the holograms. Imagine being able to sit with a hologram of Babe Ruth or Wayne Gretzky."

"Wayne who?"

He closed his eyes and shook his head.

I felt a little dumb not knowing who this Wayne guy was.

Finally, he opened his eyes, his baby blues showing humor. "Wayne Gretzky, probably the single best hockey player ever."

"I'm sorry, I don't know hockey."

He sighed, like he’d heard that more than once. "The point is a place where fans can come and be with their all-time favorite sports giants." Movement caught his eye, and he raised his hand again. "As a matter of fact..."

A couple approached him at the bar. "Hey, Max, Amelia." He turned to me. "This is...?" He laughed sheepishly. "I'm sorry, I haven't gotten your name."


"This is Analyn. She might be crazy, but in a good way."

The heat of a blush came to my cheeks, but I extended my hand to the man and woman.

"This is Max Clarke and his wife, Amelia. They own this place."

“Nice to meet you.” I’d never met the owner of anything. In movies, it always seemed like knowing the owner, or the owner knowing you, meant you were a big deal. I wondered who my new friend was.

Max laughed. "We were having dinner when we realized that the kids were over with Amelia's brother and his wife and decided that we would have a night on the town. In fact, we’re talking about maybe getting a suite at a local casino.”

"Not just any suite," Amelia said, waggling her brows at her husband. “The suite that started it all.”

I watched them with envy, wondering why I hadn't been able to have that sort of relationship with Chase. I didn't know Max and Amelia, or about the suite that started it all, but in the few seconds I'd been with them, I knew that they had something special.

"Well, don't let me keep you from your night on the town,” my drinking buddy said.

"You have a good evening. Both of you. It's nice to meet you, Analyn.” Max turned his attention to my new friend. “And the next time my brother Sam is in town, we'll get together and talk about that sports bar idea of yours."

"Sounds great."

As Max and Amelia walked off, Josh, the bartender, served our drinks.

I held up my drink to click with his, but first... "I think you should tell me your name, and then we can cheers."