Page 84 of A Kind Wedding

She felt bad leaving me at her place alone while she made up with Paul, but I assured her that it was okay. I wanted her to be happy, and if Paul was the guy who was going to make her happy, then she needed to see him.

After she got all dressed up and headed out to meet Paul, I putzed around her condo for a little bit, but I didn’t like being alone. I started to think about Chase, and instead of thinking what an asshole he was, I got down on myself.

What was wrong with me that I wasn’t enough? I determined the best way to combat self-pity was to go out and live it up. I was in Las Vegas, Sin City, after all.

There had to be a reason the motto of Las Vegas was, “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.” Surely, that meant I could let go of my inhibitions in an effort to forget Chase and not worry about any ramifications. That sure sounded better than hanging around Betts’s condo feeling sorry for myself.

I did a quick Google search looking for the best places to go that weren't about gambling, or at least only about gambling. In Las Vegas, I swear there were slot machines in the bathrooms. But I didn’t have any money to lose, so I just wanted a nice club where I could drink and let my hair down.

I decided on the Golden Oasis. According to Yelp, it was the coolest club because it included tech features like holograms with famous celebrities of Hollywood’s golden era. I dressed for a night at a club, which included a red dress that clung to my ample curves, styling my long, dark hair into thick waves, and putting on enough makeup to suggest I was interested without being trampy.

I studied the result in the full-length mirror in the guest room of Betts's condo. "Eat your heart out, Chase."

I ordered a rideshare that dropped me off in front of the club. I walked in and was pleased to see that it was as cool as the Yelp reviewers and images had made it seem. On one wall, a hologram of Marilyn Monroe in her iconic stand over a vent moved until air blew her dress out. A few drunk men joked around like they were trying to look up her dress. Women took selfies of themselves modeling the same stance as Marilyn.

The drunk men notwithstanding, the place had a young, hip, yet sophisticated vibe. I patted myself on the shoulder for making a good choice.

I made my way to the bar, taking a seat on the stool. I should have ordered something exotic, but I couldn’t think of anything offhand so I started with a plain white wine.

As I drank, I watched the activities in the club. A crowd filled the dance floor, where new arrangements of old standards played. More holograms of Hollywood’s shining stars shimmered among the dancers.

I finished my wine and ordered a cocktail that included cranberry juice and vodka and continued to watch the crowd. I could tell the people who were single, looking for a good time, apart from those who were couples.

Couples just had a vibe about them. It was like I could see the bond between their hearts. The more I thought about it, Chase and I didn’t have that bond. I thought we had true love, but clearly, we didn’t. It was time I stopped grieving over losing something I didn’t have.

What better way to forget one man than by spending time with another one?

I didn’t know where that thought came from, but after a glass of wine and a cocktail, it made perfect sense. A titillating thrill shimmered through me at the idea of meeting a stranger in a bar. Betts would probably be worried, because neither she nor I was the type to go clubbing and hook up with men.

Did I want to hook up? No, I told myself. But I wouldn't mind having a man notice me. Or pay attention to me. I could enjoy the company of a man without it ending up as a hookup, right?

I scanned the bar looking for someone with the potential of enjoying an evening of drinking and maybe dancing. There were many men to choose from, but some I dismissed off the bat, like the ones trying to look up Marilyn’s dress. Sure, I'd like to spend my evening with someone handsome and sexy, but it would be nice if they had a little substance as well.

My gaze settled on a man sitting at the end of the bar looking bored and maybe disgruntled. Like his life hadn't turned out the way he thought it would.Welcome to the club, buddy.

He appeared older than me, maybe in his mid-forties, but he was definitely handsome. He was the epitome of distinguished, with short brown hair with a little pepper of gray, lines along his eyes that hinted at wisdom or experience, and a strong, chiseled jaw. He wore a T-shirt that showed muscle definition a man half his age would envy. I decided he was the perfect one for me to make friends with tonight.

I made a beeline toward him, taking a seat in the stool next to him. "Can I buy you a drink? And before you say no, or yes, I just want you to know the only reason I'm over here talking to you is because you look like you're alone, and so am I, and I'm looking for someone to have a good time with tonight."

His head turned, showing pale blue eyes that made me think of a meadow stream. His arched brow suggested he thought I was a lunatic.

Only then did I realize how he could take my words.

I gave my head a quick shake. "I mean a good time as in having drinks and talking and dancing. You look like you could benefit from having your mind taken off whatever it is you're ruminating over. And I'm here to forget a man, whose name will never cross my lips again."

I half expected him to get off the stool and walk away without a word. Instead, he tilted his head to the side. "What makes you think I was going to say no?"

His question took me off guard, mostly because I expected him to respond to my bad attempt to buy him a drink.

I shrugged. "I don't know. I've never actually gone to a bar and talked to a stranger. You might think I'm crazy. I'm not, unless approaching a stranger in a bar is crazy."

His lips twitched upward. "Sometimes, crazy is a good thing. Makes life interesting."

I nodded.

"I could use something interesting in my life right about now." He held up his hand toward the bartender. "Josh."

Yay. It was working.