Page 7 of Odium

He looks me over for a moment, internally battling with the fact that he’s both weak and in desperate need - from a woman, no less. This is not something any man in our family would ever willingly admit to, but it turns out he doesn’t really have a damn choice this time unless he wants to drag his ass across the house alone.

“My leg,” he finally relents and shifts with a grimace. “Something fell in the shop and-” He shakes his head like he’s still trying to work out how this even happened. “-I don’t know, Wild One. A jagged piece of wood slammed into the side of my knee out of nowhere. I couldn’t do anything with it in the shop since it hit at such an odd angle, and there is too much sawdust to expose an open wound anyway… I don’t know how bad it is. I just know it’s bad. It feels really deep and bloody.”

“Let me,” I place my palm on his cheek, and I feel his jaw clench in irritation under my fingers. So, I feed into his ego a bit, knowing the pain is going to make him even more of an unstable asshole. “I can’t imagine how much it must have hurt, getting back here on your own. You’re so much stronger than I am.” I drop my hands to the buckle of his jeans, pausing for his permission before moving forward. “I’m going to have to remove these to get to your knee. After that, we’ll get you over to your recliner so I can bandage it and you can decide what you would like for me to cook you for dinner. Then, we’ll focus on your pleasure?” I raise a brow. “I can rub all of the knots out of your shoulders so that you can rest better. You work so hard. Let me do this for you.”

He nods once, so I kneel in front of him, take off both of his boots, and gently slide his jeans down his legs and over his feet, gasping at the already dark purple bruise surrounding a deep gash on the outside of his knee.

“Oh, Alastor.” It looks painful, and I want to laugh at the perfect timing of this wound. I was waiting on him to grow weak enough not to be able to stop me from leaving simply by drinking my teas, but I must have one hell of a guardian angel who swooped in and gifted me this win. There is no way that he could chase me down right now if I decided to walk out, but I am his wife, and I don’t want him to die. At least, not yet. Ultimately, it’s up to Leiv to decide his punishment once he steps into Alastor’s position, not me. So, I drop a gentle kiss on his thigh and look up at him. “It’s a nasty wound, but it will heal just fine once I get it clean and wrapped.”

“Good.” He sways slightly on his feet when I stand to drape his ruined jeans over the back of the chair to be mended later, and then I tuck myself against his side and under the arm on the side of his injured leg.

“Let’s get you comfortable, and I’ll clean up your knee.” He gives me a disgusted look, obviously hating the help, but I wrap both arms around his waist and bite my lip, “Kinda like the first night you took me to your bed, isn’t it? You made love to me, and then we bathed, and I washed every inch of your body.” I shiver at the memory, and he smirks knowingly.

“It has been a while since I’ve had you wash me.” We make our way to the recliner in the next room, each step excruciating for him, and I try my best to keep his mind off of the pain, afraid of being this close if his anger flairs again. “Once you tend to my knee, I may have you tend to my cock with your tongue, too.”

I gingerly help him sit in his chair and put both hands on my hips with a flirty grin once he’s settled.

“Promises, promises.” I giggle, and he gives me the first genuine smile he has in days.

“Get to work, Wild One.”


It tookhours for me to get him comfortable enough to rest, but he’s finally sleeping peacefully. I almost hate to ruin it for him- almost. I silently walk around his recliner, kneeling on the floor behind him to examine his restraints once more, triple checking that I have left his arms just enough wiggle room to give him the impression of hope without actually having a chance in hell of getting free. Once I’m satisfied that he is really and truly fucked, I stroll back around to the front of his chair and stand by his feet, looking down at him. A pang of guilt hits me when I take in the entire scene, and I push it away, trying to focus only on his betrayal. The whore in the hole. When that one muttered word fell from her unworthy lips, it knocked the air from my lungs and the happiness from my life. It ruined my marriage…heruined our marriage. That thought alone is enough to reignite my hate fire, and I kick the chair.

‘Alastor.’ I lean in and tug roughly on the nylon strap wrapped snugly around his chest and giggle when his sleepy gaze finally focuses and settles on my face.

“Wha- what is it, Wild One? Are you alright?” He attempts to lift his hand to reach for me, but the cuff around his wrist brings him up short. “What’s this?” He shakes his head in confusion, and I grin with a shrug.

“The restraints from the basement.” I purse my lips, looking him over, pretty proud of my handiwork. “Turns out I’m better at this than you are. Nice and tight, aren’t they?”

“Congratulations, but why?” He struggles against the straps, causing the chains attached to the cuffs that are securing his arms to the recliner to clatter loudly against the hardwood floor with each jerk of his body. “Enough, Carwen. Let me out; this isn’t funny.”

“No.” I snort a laugh.

“No?!” He fumes, each one of his breaths coming out faster with each passing second that I disobey him. “I said let me up or I’ll-”

“Or you’ll what, Alastor? Beat me? Fuck me? Put me in thecellar?” With my last pouty-lipped taunt, he pales slightly, and I cackle loudly. “Who was she, Alastor?”

“It’s none of your-”

“Concern?” I raise a brow, cutting him off. “Granted, I should have probably waited to deal with her, but she was just so damn pathetic. You, on the other hand, were tougher to catch off guard. Not that I had to surprise her, mind you. She didn’t have a damn bit of fight left in her after whatever it is you did to her down there.”

“What have you done, Carwen?” He shouts, still fighting against the straps holding him in place, and I lean in slowly, running my hand up his calf, stopping to squeeze his misshapen knee, and he grunts in pain.

“I cleaned up your filth, Alastor. I cook, I pleasure you, and I clean up your messes. Those are my designated jobs, right?” I drag my hand from his knee, up his thigh, and palm his crotch. “I really hope I get to keep you around to play with after.”

“Afterwhat, Wild One?” His eyes widen in confusion.

“I need to go, Daddy, but I’ll be back. There is water there-” I motion to the table beside him. “-if you’re really careful not to spill it. You need to stop shaking so much; it’s foolish.” I grin, mimicking all the times he said the same thing to me after punishing me downstairs. Each time, he would finish up and leave me there alone in the dark, bleeding and bruised, not knowing when he would return for me. I had one glass of water and a straw just long enough to touch my lips… if I didn’t wiggle and knock it over. Which I nearly always did.

“Wild One,” he bellows when I turn for the door and lift his truck keys from the hook, “Do not leave me like this. You don’t fucking understand what’s really going on. You can’t leave. It’s just not safe. Did you let her out?”

“No, Daddy.Youdon’t understand. You’ve fallen from the path and tainted our home with the blood of a common whore.” I shake my head, not looking back at him. “I’m going after Leiv. He will know what to do. He’ll fix this. Fix you.”

I open the door and step onto the porch, taking one last look back at my father, furious in his favorite chair, with his leg bleeding once again from his useless struggling.

“I love you, Alastor. Try not to die before we get back. Don’t worry, I’ll be a good girl for you while I’m away.” I blow him a kiss as I close the door behind me and skip down the drive to his pickup.