Page 8 of Odium

I open the driver’s side door, climb into his seat, and fumble with the knob, adjusting its position so that I can actually reach the pedals. Thankfully, Alastor taught me the basics of driving last summer so that I could help him load up his larger deliveries. He has had every reason to trust me. I didn’twantto do any of this, but I have to. This is what the rules dictate, so I can’t ignore his misdeeds any more than he would have been able to ignore mine. Granted, in the process of finding and getting to Leiv, I have broken a few rules myself, and I’m certain, once I am able to confess properly, Leiv will find a fitting punishment for every single one of my misdeeds. I shiver in anticipation. I truly hope he prefers the belt or maybe even his bare hands. As long as I have his undivided attention, it really doesn’t matter to me.

I put the truck into drive and slowly pull away from our home, without looking back. If I do, I may turn around to check on Alastor once more, but dragging this out more than I already have won’t help either of us. When I find Leiv and make it back here, he will be angrier than he’s been in my lifetime- at least with me- but hopefully, he will still be breathing.

By the time I pull out onto the one-lane road heading into town, I’m nearly vibrating with excitement because Leiv is only a twenty-minute drive away. I pat the small bag beside me, filled with a change of clothes, an apple, and Alastor’s wallet, to double-check that I still have everything I need. I’m starving, but I’m way too nervous to eat. I can’t stop wondering what he will think about me when I show up in his garage. Alastor’s black book said he works on engines, but that’s about all I had time to read other than his address. I bet he’s rugged and handsome with strong hands. Hands that will dominate me as a Greene man should. I push on the pedal harder, picking up speed, and come upon a sharp turn. I’m not paying enough attention and nearly run off the road when I have to cut the wheel to avoid dropping off into the ditch. Okay, focus on the road, Carwen. Get into town, find Leiv, and bring him home. The rest will be up to him to decide.

Once I finally reach the only stoplight in town, I look questioningly around the darkened intersection, not sure which way to go next. I’ve only been here one other time, and that was years ago when I was bitten by a copperhead. My father rushed me here to see the town physician the moment I lost consciousness, and I was in and out the entire trip. I don’t remember much about being here, but I do remember the delicious pain of my punishments after. That was the last time I absentmindedly strolled through the tall grass by the creek shoeless, though, because I wore nothing but bruises on my ass for weeks once we were back home. Each time he fucked me after, thrusting roughly into the deep purple marks, was a biting tribute to how much he loved me and his punishment an exquisite reminder of how far he would go to keep me from death… even if it’s because of my own carelessness.

I stop at the only place in town that seems to be open- a flickering sign in the window that reads ‘beer on tap’ the sole indication that this place even contains life, and I open my door, climbing out. I lift the small bag from the bench seat, drape the strap over my shoulder, and tuck Alastor’s knife into the pocket of my dress before locking up and walking to the door. I place my hand on the knob, and I take a deep breath, preparing myself for the unknown. But before I have a chance to push through into the overly smoky room, the door bursts open, and I’m knocked flat on my ass.

“Holy hell,” a man in a pair of worn denim pants and a dark hooded sweater swears, kneels in front of me, and tugs my dress back down around my thighs. “I’m sorry, girlie. Are you alright?” He extends his hand to me, and I curl my lip in disgust at the offer.

“I’m fine. Don’t touch me.” I jump to my feet, shoving past him, but he quickly follows, dropping a hand on my shoulder.

“Hold up there, sweetheart,” he offers with a deep drawl, and his grip tightens on me when he tries to pull me back into him.

“I said don’t touch me!” I shout and knock his hand away, and he steps back. “You’re filthy.”

He looks down at his grimy hands and back at me with a wide grin. “I suppose so, but you don’t want to go wanderin’ off in there alone. It’s not a place for someone that looks like you do.” He motions from my head to my feet with a raised brow.

“And why is that?” I cross my arms to keep from burying my knife into his stupid neck.

“That bar is full of drunken men, and you’re as cute as a bug on a pickle. That’s just not a good combination, especially this late on a Friday night. Those men are off ’til Monday mornin’, and they are lookin’ for trouble. And you, girlie, look like the wrong kind of trouble.” He winks and flashes me another smile, both of which would probably flatter other women. I’m sure he’s considered a good-looking man by the whores in this town, but I’m not one of them. He’s vile, and his breath smells of stale smoke and beer, and I wave a hand in front of my face to fan away the stank of his slightly slurred words.

“Infected,” I spit. “Unworthy.”

“You’re a bit off in the noggin, aren’t ya?” He chuckles. “My name is Garret. Is there somewhere else ya need to be? Do you have any family in these parts?”

“Leiv,” I mutter, keeping a few feet of safety between us. I don’t trust this man. Or any man other than my Leiv.

“Don’t know a Leiv.” He pushes back his hood and runs a hand through his hair. “I know a Levi though. Levi Irving.”

I gasp at the name, and he chuckles.

“I’ll take that as a yes?” He jerks his thumb across the street to a building with a large gray door similar to those I’ve seen in the reference books Alastor brought me. Industry? A dock of some kind, I think.

“His apartment is across the street; stairs are through the garage bay and clear in the back. I’ll walk you over.”

“I can manage.” I roll my eyes and stomp away from him, but he laughs out, jogging to catch up with me.

“Not without the keys, you won’t.”

“Well,” I spin back around and face him, holding out my hand. “Give them to me.”

“I don’t think so.” He smirks, looking me over. “You’re awfully demandin’ for such a little thing. What are you, four and a half feet tall? I’m not sure you can even climb these stairs alone.”

“Four foot nine, and that’s none of your concern. Now hand over the keys.”

“Not gonna happen, short stuff.” He chuckles, tapping me on the nose, and walks right past me.

“Is he fond of you?” I ask, following him toward Leiv’s garage, and it takes everything in me not to bury my knife in the back of his head.

“You mean Levi? I’m his best friend. We’re practically brothers. So, yeah, I would say he’sfondof me.”

“His brother?” I pull in a sharp breath. “Really?”

“Why? Who are you?” He turns the key in the lock, and the only thing keeping me from spilling his blood on the cement at my feet and rushing past him is the chance of upsetting Leiv. A brother? Leiv would probably prefer I not kill him.

“I’m his wife.”