Vivienne cleared her throat. “Well, we did want to ask about the TV release forms,” she said.

“Shit. Yeah. I always forget about those,” I offered. “I’m not sure if Nathan told you, but I have a crew filming my daily life all summer. They’re with me just about every day. Their van is outside right now. If you or anyone on your team isn’t comfortable being on TV, say the word. But if you are comfortable, we’ll need signed releases from members on your team.”

“Everyone is actually very excited for it,” Nathan offered, sitting up with perfect posture in his office chair. He mindlessly bit down on the end of a pen and my cock stirred, being a traitor as usual. But what was I supposed to do? Seeing Nathan put anything in or near his mouth sent my brain in a zillion directions at once. He was way too fucking cute in his all-business mode, and I could already tell he was a great leader, too.

“Yeah,” his youngest brother Tristan said with a nod. “My boyfriend Jack and I are both going to be working on the project, and he wouldn’t shut up about it last night. He said he’s going to watch every episode of your show when it comes out and see if he finds himself in the background.”

“Fuck yeah,” I said. “I’m glad you all are chill with the idea. I know some people wig out around cameras, but they really do fade into the background when you get used to it.”

“Super chill,” Nathan said. “ChillA. F., as my daughter would say.”

I watched as Tristan turned toward Nathan. “Do… do you know what that stands for, Nathan?”

“Chill and fun,” Nathan said quickly.

I bit back a smile, but his brothers made no attempt to hide their laughter. “Not quite,” I said.

“You’ll get used to Nathan’s dad-isms,” Shawn said, leaning back in his chair.

“I’m already intimately familiar with them,” I said, giving Nathan a look.

“As fuck,” Nathan said, nodding his head. “It stands foras fuck, doesn’t it?”

“Quick learner,” I told him. I reached out with my foot underneath the desk, gently prodding his ankle. I watched as his cheeks flushed red, but he’d had the hint of a smile on his face the whole time we’d been messing with him.

For another thirty minutes, Nathan and Shawn showed me various paperwork and different options for some initial materials for the guest house. They really had their shit together already, and we hadn’t even begun renovations yet. I found myself more and more impressed with Nathan and the whole Fixer Brothers crew, and not just because they were very kind, very hot people.

At the end of the meeting, we all stood up and shook hands. I sauntered out back to the front lobby with them, and another contractor came out of an office, clearly wrapping up for the end of his day.

“Hey guys,” he said. “Ready to head to the brewery?”

“Charlie,” Nathan said to his coworker. “Meet Kace Tomlin.”

“Whoa,” Charlie said, his eyes going wide as he looked at me. He reached out a hand and shook mine. “Holy shit. I was just looking at your Instagram, like, an hour ago. You’rehere?”

I’d slowly gotten used to the starstruck reaction people had begun to develop when they met me. I’d only been nationally famous for a year, but fame caught up quick. One moment, I’d been a regular college football player, only known by the most rabid football fans. The next, I’d been a household name.

“I mentioned we were working with Kace, didn’t I?” Nathan asked Charlie. “I thought you knew—”

“I didn’t know you meant KaceTomlin,” Charlie said. “Holy shit. I already said holy shit. Holyshit. You are really,reallyfucking good-looking in person.”

I let out a gracious laugh. “Thank you. It’s very nice to meet you too, Charlie.”

“Charlie is our main brick and stone masonry contractor,” Nathan explained. “And I’m willing to bet all of my money that he’ll definitely be willing to appear on TV.”

Charlie threw his hands in the air. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, but yes, sign me the fuck up. God, Kace Tomlin. You’retall, too—”

“All right, all right,” Nathan said. “I’m sure Kace has plenty of places to be. Kace, thank you for carving some time out to come meet with us this afternoon. We’ll let you get on your way now.”

Vivienne and I both whipped out our phones to check the big shared digital calendar we all had to keep tabs on my schedule. Miraculously, I didn’t see any appointments on the docket for tonight.

Ididhave six unread text messages, all from guys who were fishing for a good fuck tonight. I had developed a nice little pool of potential hookups here in Colorado, and I usually loved when they texted me looking for a good time.

“Actually,” I said, “I’ve got nothing important going on tonight. Just a bunch of booty calls and emails from my electric company, actually.”

Charlie was fascinated. “I can’t imagine how many booty calls a guy like you must get,” he marveled. “Fuck. Am I talking too much?”

“Yes,” Nathan said.