“Not at all,” I reassured him. “You said you guys were going to a brewery?”

A flicker of surprise passed over Nathan’s eyes. “Jade Brewery, just across the street. My best friend owns it.”

“Otherwise known asmybooty call,” Shawn offered.

“No fuckin’ way,” I said. “You’re fucking your brother’s bestie? That’s the plot of like, half of the gay porn videos on the front page of the sites I go to.”

Shawn grinned. “Nathan wanted to kill me when he found out.”

Nathan looked like he was about to die of embarrassment. “This was supposed to be a serious business meeting with the most high-profile client we’ve ever had,” Nathan said, “and now we’ve talked about porn, booty calls, and me being a clueless dad.”

“And I’m already convinced you guys are the best fucking construction company in Colorado,” I said. “This is awesome. Can I come to the brewery with you guys?”

“Canyou come?” Charlie asked, still starstruck. “Shit, we should go get a red carpet to roll out for you when you walk in.”

Nathan just nodded. “You’re more than welcome to come,” he said. He rolled up the sleeves on his button-down, and the moment his forearms were on display, I had to try not to drool. He had just the right amount of soft-looking hair there, and I had to fight not to daydream about having those arms around me. “Can’t promise the brewery is the fanciest place, but I can promise you that it has great beer. Rush is very dedicated to his brews.”

“Music to my ears,” I said. “I’m sick of slick, ritzy, celebrity bars where all the lights are blue and everyone wants to talk about business deals with me. I want to go somewhere real.”

“Jade Brewery is real, all right,” Shawn said. He pushed open the front doors of the office and we all followed him out into the parking lot.

“You want to come along, Viv?” I asked Vivienne.

She shook her head. “Spin class at 7,” she said. “Unless you need me?”

“Nah. Have fun.”

She gave me a little salute and headed out. “Be safe. No selfies until after youleavelocations.”

“You got it,” I told her.

Shawn locked up the doors, closing the Fixer Brothers offices for the evening. I headed over to my TV crew, who were hanging out in their van, and told them I’d clear it with the brewery before they came in.

It was right around six o’clock, and still plenty warm outside. I followed the guys across the street, which was situated right at the end of Spruce Street, the closest thing Jade River had to a main drag.

The air smelled fresh and floral from the blooming yellow flowers that dotted all of the trees. I fucking loved the spring, and Jade River did it well. It was a seriously cute small town, with cobblestone walkways, plenty of shops and food, and a tiny walking bridge that crossed over the river itself.

Nathan hung near the back of the group and I caught up with him. “I like you in business mode, by the way,” I told him as the guys up ahead of us chatted about concrete.

“Am I getting another ‘mode’ now?” he asked, lifting an eyebrow playfully. “First Dad Mode, and now this?”

Outside in the early evening light, the rich, auburn undertones came out in his hair. His clothes were much more fitted to his body than his usual flannel, and I could tell that he had a great body under there.

Nathan wasn’t just hot for a Dad—he was downright handsome, with a kindness in his eyes that was rare as hell. Eyes that had stared down at me, just a few nights ago, watching me lose control.

“My favorite so far is definitely filthy mode,” I said.

He turned to me, glancing from my eyes to my lips and back again. “Hush,” he said, his brow furrowed.

I leaned in closer to his ear, keeping my voice low. “Getting between my legs and making me fuckingcomemode.”

“Christ, Kace,” he said. His expression was like a kid who’d just been caught with a hand in the cookie jar. Raw desire and guilt, all wrapped into one.

“Fine, fine, I won’t talk about it again,” I told him. “It was fun, though.”

He nodded toward the group of guys ahead of us, lifting a finger to his mouth to shush me, as if he was a professor and I was a misbehaving student. We crossed the street and walked through the Jade Brewery parking lot. It was a big, cabin-like building, with a huge outdoor deck and plenty of little lights outside. More pine trees wrapped around the back of it.

“Hey,” I said to Nathan, hanging back a little from the rest of the group. “Sorry. I know I have a… big personality, but I can cool it. Like I said, no biggie, boss.”