I dry her body with my shirt, then delicately dab at the drying blood on her face. While her eyes remain closed, the comforting sensation of her nuzzling into my lap boosts my composure. I can’t afford to lose control when she needs me most, no matter how much I want to.
Simply killing Ron wasn’t nearly what he deserved, but time wasn’t on our side.
“Where are we going?” Char asks from the front.
“The Getaway,” Santi says.
“What’s The Getaway?” she asks.
Kate stirs in my lap as Santi’s response fades into the background, my attention focused on gently stroking her wet hair. “Go to sleep, princess. You’re safe now,” I whisper softly.
Her breaths become deeper, and I’m certain she’s fallen asleep. I proceed with my careful cleaning of her face, unsurprised that she doesn’t wake up. There’s no doubt in my mind she was drugged. Once the cut is clean, I start to reach for her thigh, but halt mid-motion when the movement jostles her.
“Let me,” Char says quietly, taking the now damp and dirty shirt from my hand. She leans over the console and mimics my gentle dabbing. Char meets my eyes, and a new understanding passes between us.
“Thank you,” Char whispers.
“For what?” I whisper back.
“Saving her.”
“I wouldn’t have needed to save her if I’d just stayed away in the first place,” I confess, peeling my eyes away to stare at the rainy night outside the window as a new wave of guilt washes over me.
“Don’t,” Char and Santi say in unison, forcing my head to snap to them.
“You obviously care about her,” Santi adds.
“Care? Psh. He’sin lovewith her,” Char argues. They continue to bicker but my mind focuses on two words.
In love.
That’s exactly what I am.
A groan escapes Kate’s lips, and they immediately cease their conversation. I sit a little straighter, caressing her head again. Her breathing returns to the deep, melodic pace it was at seconds before, and I slump back into my seat.
“How far is this place?” Char asks.
“‘Bout an hour,” Santi replies.
“Well that’s plenty of time for more explaining,” Char says, dropping my shirt onto the floorboard and settling into her seat.
Santi opens his mouth but I cut in. “First, we need to call Ted. And Marco. This isn’t over yet.”
“Fuck,” Santi mutters. He passes me my phone from the cup holder and I dial Ted.
“We got it,” he says immediately.
“The warrant or the money?” I ask impatiently.
“The warrant. I’ve got two agents on their way to the hotel, and I’m prepping a team to meet tonight. Did you find her?”
I stare at Kate as I respond. “We did. We’re dropping her at The Getaway, and then we’ll come meet you.”
“We’ll go over the plan when you arrive.”
“There’s going to be some… clean up,” Santi says warily.Ron.
Ted sighs. “I figured as much. I can’t say it’s undeserved.”