Page 33 of Light Me Up

“If I wanted your silence, I’d have cut out your tongue. Tell me who you're with or I will make your last minutes on this earth long and tortur—”

His words are abruptly silenced by a resounding slam from behind me. His eyes dart towards the source of the noise, but before I can turn my head, the sharp echo of a gunshot reverberates off the walls.

Chapter Fourteen

April 30th - Lorenzo

Thebulletsinksrightthrough Ron’s forehead as I release the trigger. Kate’s assailant drops to the floor, the knife clattering on the concrete. I rush to her as she screams and kicks the floor, trying to back away from his crumpled body with blood leaking out of the hole in his head. But the chair hardly moves because she can’t get enough force into her legs with the ropes around her body.

“Untie her,” I demand of Santi as I drop to my knees in front of her. Fury consumes me at the sight of her condition, but I force myself to stay focused. Fresh blood splattered across her face, but I’m relieved to find the cut in her cheek isn’t too deep. That relief evaporates in an instant when my eyes land on the gash in her leg, blood oozing from the wound.

Her eyes catch with mine as they roam over her face again, and I feel like I can breathe properly for the first time in weeks. It’s short-lived, however, because I note the fear in her wide eyes. Her lips move, but no sound escapes.

“Kate, I’m so sorry.” My words are rushed and laced with pure agony. She blinks hard as Santi works on the knots at her back. I gingerly place my hands on her shoulders, but she flinches, shattering my heart. Then I remember I’m still holding the gun. I give her a light shake and repeat her name, to which she lets out another blood-curdling scream.

Santi’s hand flies over her mouth, but he releases it just as quickly when she bites him.

“Fuck!” Santi shouts, shaking his hand out.

“She’s gone through a lot, man, leave it,” I snap.

“The door is still open!”

“Go close it!”

Santi jogs to the door as I inspect her for the third time. “It’s going to be okay, we’re getting you out of here.” She doesn’t look soothed by these words. Like Char, she has zero trust in me, and I can’t fault her for that.

Santi jogs back over and continues to work the knots. “This shit is on heretight.”

I release her shoulders to collect the knife, passing it to him.

“Thanks,” Santi says. The ropes pull as he works them, but my eyes find hers again.

“Did you get the footage?” I ask without breaking eye contact. I see Santi nod from my peripherals.

“What is happening?” she whispers.

“Don't worry, we're getting you out of here.”

“Why should I trust you?”

I let out a dark huff just as Santi finishes sawing the rope. The only solace I find in this shit situation is that I can finally come clean with her. But first, we need to get the hell out of here. When the rope sags and Santi unwraps her, I scoop her into my arms. She attempts to squirm in my embrace, but she’s obviously depleted of energy.

“Don’t worry, I’ve got you,” I tell her, then I address Santi. “Let’s go.”

Santi tosses the knife and joins my side as it clatters on the ground.

“I’ll run a check, if I’m not back in thirty seconds…”

He gives me a meaningful look before he dashes to the door and out into the hallway. I look down at Kate, whose eyes have closed. Her body moves up and down with my silent breath. There’s so much I want to say, but I don’t know where to begin or how to say it.

Time has ceased to properly exist for me, so I’m not sure how long it takes Santi to reappear in the doorway. He nods, and I tighten my grip on her body as I hoist her up, exiting this godforsaken building. I steal glances at her as we move quickly through the long hallway towards the exit. Santi presses on the bar and holds open the metal door as I duck my head over Kate. Her faint strawberry scent is exactly as I remember, and it renews life in me. Rain patters over us, but I keep Kate tucked into my chest, my head acting as a makeshift umbrella.

We cut through the dark alley and rush back to the car. Char throws the back door open and I rush inside with Kate on my lap.

“Go to the front,” I bark at Char. She doesn’t hesitate, clambering through the center console and dropping into the passenger seat. Santi’s in the driver’s side a moment later, and I toss him the keys from my pocket.

The wind whips through the rain, causing Kate to shiver in my arms. I quickly close my door and shift her onto the seat beside me, cradling her head on my thigh. Santi peels away from the rows of warehouses as I hastily tear off my shirt.