Page 73 of Dirty Eoin

Rumor has it he’s under pressure to find himself a suitable wife. The Mexicans like to promote a family image among their own. Family is important to their organization and comes before everything else. It won’t sit well with the other La eMe high rankers that Rod is still single and unwed.

“Rod. It’s good to see you again.”

We hug each other in a tactile embrace, our relationship perhaps one of the only non-fake ones in the room.

“You too, Jaine.”

“Rod, this is who I was talking to you about. Aidan O’Connell. Aidan has just come over from Dublin and he’s something of a weaponry expert. I know you were looking to mix up your order and try out some new firearms. I do think it would be beneficial for you to have a discussion with him.”

Aidan smiles widely at the Mexican as he shakes his hand. “Jaine perhaps sings my praises a little too highly, but I’m more than happy to assist in any way I can.”

I leave them to it before doing the rounds. Most of the other people present are already clients of JAL. Our kind like to deal with their own, after all, so it’s more a case of smiling politely and touching base.

Eventually, I make my way into the restroom. The door opens and closes moments later. I already know who it is.

My skin prickles.

Fear. Anticipation. Arousal.

A combination of all three.

“What do you want, Eoin?” I stare at him in the over-sink mirror and watch as he moves to stand behind me, looking tall, dark, and devilishly handsome dressed head to toe in black.

I inhale the scent of his spicy cologne. He’s so near I’m sure I can feel the heat radiate from his body as his dark soul wraps itself seductively around mine once more.

“Are you fucking my cousin?”

I stare at his reflection, searching for signs that this is a joke. But it’s no joke. He’s being serious. He actually thinks something is going on between me and Aidan. He’s as insane as that old man of his.

“I’m not sure that’s any of your business.”

He grabs my arm with a firmness that will bruise before spinning me around to face him. I’m conscious my heart rate is now rocketing.

He’s so close. Too close. Dangerously close.

“You’ve been avoiding me, Jaine. You won’t take my calls. You won’t answer my messages.” His voice is soothing. Like his da’s was when he tried to lull me into a false sense of security before cutting me with a fucking blade.

It’s all smoke and mirrors. They’re peas in a pod.

“I had nothing to say to you. I still don’t,” I toss back flimsily.

Wrong answer. I watch as he switches from the cool professional I normally deal with into the monster I witnessed at the docks.

“I asked you a question. Are. You. Fucking. Him!” He steps back, then proceeds to pace the floor while running his hand repeatedly through his hair.

“No. And even if I were, I’m not sure what it’s got to do with you.”

He stops pacing and glares at me. “You’re my wife!”

“On paper. We both know the marriage was entered into for the protection of Finian only. Nothing else. I bet you’re still fucking Molly. Am I right,husband?”

His silence speaks volumes. I’m not sure how I feel about that admission.

He walks towards me until we’re so close our bodies are touching. His eyes burn into my flesh as they track the movement of his finger, which he’s slowly trailing up the outside of my arm.

“What are you doing, Eoin?” I roll my eyes exaggeratedly in an attempt to appear immune, but it’s betrayed by my shaky whisper of a voice. I curse myself inwardly for letting him know how much he’s affecting me.

His lips curve upwards. He’s pleased with himself. Pleased with this reaction.