Page 72 of Dirty Eoin

It’s how I start each day and how I end it.

The waves of grief still feel tidal wave-sized most days, and the frequency with which they crash against me is relentless. All I can do is fight to hold my head above water and breathe. What other choice do I have?

This isn’t about me. It never has been.

And life has to go on for everyone else, even if not for my beautiful Ace.

I look around. All that’s changed in the time I’ve been away is that more bling has been added.

More crystal. More gilded gold. More over-the-top furnishings and accents. More identical waiting staff dressed like little penguins, strutting around in their matching black and white uniforms while expertly balancing flutes of the finest champagne on silver serving trays. More vulgar. More ostentatious.

And it’s filled with everything fake.

Fake smiles.

Fake laughter.

Fake kisses.

Fake people.

Fake relationships.

To most present here tonight, all that matters is business cards. Events like this are ticket-holder only, and to even be invited you need to be of suitable high ranking. It’s the way it is in any business world, not just ours.

“Thanks for agreeing to come with me.” I smile at him. He looks good in his tuxedo. His blonde hair is still messy, but I think Aidan O’Connell is perfectly happy being imperfect and unique. He doesn’t want to blend in. I’m not sure he could even if he tried.

“Well, I couldn’t see you being without a date, Jaine.”

“Is that what this is? A date.” I chuckle as I roll my eyes at him.

“It’s whatever you want it to be.” He grins cheekily.

I’m waiting for him to add the word ‘darlin’ at the end. He doesn’t, thankfully. And I’m so glad. He reminds me way too much of Irish as it is.

I push thoughts of Padraig aside. I can’t go there. If I do, my plan will never work.

“Being my plus one was only one of the reasons I invited you along, Aidan. Given this is a business affair, I thought it might be beneficial for the Dusters for me to introduce you to Rod. I do believe you and he speak the same language, so I’m hoping you may be able to mend some much-needed bridges.”

And save me from having to be the go-between forevermore.

It’s then I notice him out of the corner of my eye. Eoin.

I watched him murder Mr. Unfortunate in cold blood. I left immediately thereafter with the taste of vomit still lingering in my mouth. I haven’t had any contact with him since, and that was over a week ago. He’s tried to call, and he’s messaged several times, but I’ve blown him off completely.

I think I’m about to pay for giving him the brush-off.

He’s mid-conversation when his eyes connect with mine, and there’s no sign of Molly, more’s the goddamn pity. Now’s neither the time nor the place for a confrontation with him.

I try to pull my eyes away, but I can’t. There are a lot of powerful men here tonight, but none can match his dark presence. It’s hypnotic almost. We stare at each other across the room.



Our silent scrutiny is interrupted. I turn to grin warmly at the newly announced silent leader of La eMe. It’s a genuine smile for my old school friend.

At an event where outward appearances are almost as important as net worth, he’s also dressed elegantly in a tuxedo. Unlike most of the businessmen here this evening, however, Rod doesn’t have a fawning female gushing over him.