Dec’s brought me here in one of our many custom SUVs. He complements the vehicle. He’s dressed head to toe in black. His hair and eyes also match. His skin in direct contrast is pale. Dec’s my age. Maybe slightly older. Being trained in several of the martial arts, it’s instilled in him to fight to the death. He’s also versatile with most weapons. It’s for those reasons he’s the only person I trust to keep Jaine safe when I’m not around to do so.
I wait for the locks to unravel before stepping out onto the sidewalk. It feels alien coming here during daylight hours. Things will be so much easier once she’s moved in with me. I frown as I make my way inside the building. Whenever I bring up the subject, she changes it, but it’s one that must be broached.
Two of the conditions Jaine raised have now been ticked off. The marriage has been consummated more times than I can count, and while our union has not been publicly announced, it’s no longer a secret.
I’m sure our outlaw peers will be fully aware that Jaine is my wife.
The only other stipulated condition was her ability to seek an annulment should she choose to do so. I suspect this condition was only inserted on the off-chance it transpired that we weren’t compatible in any way. Given three months have now passed with no major issues then I’m not expecting this to be put into play.
My only concern right now is over her unwillingness to take things to the next level. I appreciate that Jaine’s an independent woman. I also appreciate what she’s been through and understand that she may just need more time. But my gut is telling me there’s more to it than that. That she’s keeping me at arm’s length for reasons she’s unwilling to share. We’ve yet to spend a full night together. Not that I ever have with any female. But it’s time. I want to.
Even now, she’s never spoken with my ma nor met her face to face. She makes every excuse under the sun not to visit our family home. Who can blame her? She went once, was backed into a corner, and was forced into an arranged marriage with me.
It’s been almost three months since I chose her. I have no regrets about my decision, and I’m confident she doesn’t either, not that it’s ever been openly discussed.
Jaine is my intellectual equal.
We spend our evenings talking of a great many things – business, politics, current affairs. There are no topics off-limits when it comes to healthy debating, but she refuses to discuss anything of a personal nature, and if I mention Ace or my youngest brother, she simply changes the subject.
What we do share is a physical connection that I’ve never experienced before. Our intimate relations are animalistic to the point of being frenzied.
I see her. I want her. I fuck her. And as soon as I’m done with her, I want her all over again. I never seem to be sated, and the feeling’s mutual. She’s a walking map of bruises and bite marks as I stake my claim on her skin repeatedly and for the world to see.
I’m confident that she’s mine. Physically, at least. But is that still enough? There’s most definitely no whispered sweet nothings nor tactile pillow talk. Do I want any of that? How do you know if you want something when you’ve never experienced it before?
I knock on the door, and it’s opened by an older man. I know who he is the moment I see him, the resemblance uncanny. Aside from the short greying hair and the lack of a beard on his lined face, he looks just like Ace.
He smiles broadly as he holds out his hand. “You must be Eoin.”
I return his smile with a genuine one of my own as I shake his hand. “And you must be Duke.”
He motions for me to step inside.
I’m used to seeing Jaine with Fin from time to time. The little lad who’s a million miles an hour, never sits still, and is back and forth between anyone who will listen to his constant chatter. He’s just like his da.
Guilt barrels through me as it does any time I think of my youngest sibling, but I quickly push it aside. It won’t change anything.
Is he happy? We’re told that he is by the only family member he actually speaks to these days. Ma.
Texts messages are ignored. Calls go straight to voice mail. Business emails stick to business only. Any attempt to interact with him on family or personal matters just falls on deaf ears.
I take in my wife.
She’s dressed professionally but is currently jacketless. This time, she’s not holding Fin. She’s holding a small baby. He doesn’t have a lot of hair, but what he does is inky black curls. He stares at me with open curiosity, his blue eyes looking huge on a small face with a chin that has a little dent in.
Jaine stops what she’s doing and watches me as I take in JJ. Finian’s baby brother. Ace’s son.
“Do you want to hold him? I need to speak to Jessie quickly.”
I drag my gaze from the little one and look up at her with a smile. “I’d like that.”
JJ doesn’t hold his arms out like Fin did when I first met him. I have to scoop him from Jaine’s hold while he continues to stare up at me with the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen.
“He’s his father’s son, that’s for sure.” I watch my wife leave the room before I turn to face Duke. “Duke. About Ace.” I frown.
His face is lined, I’m sure much is attributable to grief. With a melancholy sigh, he pats me on the shoulder. “I know. We all sure as hell miss having him around.” He looks at me, silent for a moment before speaking further. “I’m glad you’ve come here today. I’ve been hoping I might run into you for a while now, but with you and Jainie only spending your evenings together, our paths never crossed.”
Does Duke know why our relationship feels almost pigeon-holed? Why Jaine seems reluctant to commit to anything further? Then again, if Duke knew anything, would he tell me? I’m thinking probably not as he’d never betray her confidence.