Jaine:But you love me anyway.
It’s a statement rather than a question. And it’s meant in jest, I know. But it still has me questioning after almost three months. Do I love her? Will I ever love her?
Eoin:Ma says you’re still avoiding her.
Jaine:Can you blame me? She pretty much threatened to have me exterminated.
Eoin:We have to put the past behind us if we’re to have any chance of a future.
Jaine:The future is never guaranteed, so why bother?
Eoin:Perhaps not, but it’s impossible for us to continue to live day by day.
Jaine:Us? Does that mean you and me?
Eoin:What do you want it to mean?
There’s a pause on her side. For Jaine, that means she’s either thinking, she’s gotten emotional, or she doesn’t wish to discuss the matter any further. At least not at this time.
I know her ways now.
Jaine:I’ll message her.
Eoin:Thank you.
Jaine:I didn’t say when.
Eoin:You’re being deliberately unaccommodating, Mrs. O’Connell.
Jaine:On the contrary. I’m very accommodating. You insinuated just as much last night. And you weren’t complaining then, Mr. O’Connell. In fact, I can repeat what you said word for word if you like.
Jaine:Why? Am I making you hard, husband?
Eoin:Jaine, I have a lot of work to get through.
Jaine:Best workhardthen.
Eoin:I’m on my way to your apartment, wife, and you know what will happen when I get there.
Jaine:Have you even heard yourself? I’m surprised your neck can support the weight of that big, fat conceited head of yours.
Eoin:Flattery won’t save you.
Jaine:Only someone as pompous as you would consider being called conceited as flattery.
Jaine’s Apartment, Upper East Side, New York
“Thank you, Dec.”
Declan O’Malley. One of my high rankers and my former driver, now used exclusively to tail Jaine wherever she goes. His role is the single most important one in the Duster organization.
To me, at least.
I’m sure she hasn’t picked up on his presence. She won’t think I’m having her followed. It’s for her protection and for that of Finian and JJ. All the women in our immediate family are. Most end up embracing it in the end and using theirtailas a driver, much like Ma uses Liam. It kills two birds with one stone. I’m not sure someone as headstrong as my wife will ever view it as a benefit, however.
“You’re welcome, boss.”