Page 75 of Holiday Home

So was Liam. However, he didn’t spend much more time thinking about the future. The present was more than blissful enough to captivate him. He was at the precipice, and they both knew it. It was a knife’s edge he walked on, and he couldn’t be sure if things would work out how he hoped.

A lot had gone in his favor—he knew that. Even if he ignored how much Avril had positively affected him, it was abundantly clear that Tess had missed the affection that he was happy to shower her with. Years spent wilting in an unhappy marriage had obviously taken their toll, and it seemed to him that the past two days were almost rejuvenating for her. Even when her hesitation pressed the brakes, she’d always removed some pressure at each torrid juncture they arrived at. She’d let him progress things and even taken a proactive lead a few times herself.

That didn’t mean it would keep occurring, especially if he pressed ahead too quickly.

This was it. Here it was. Any longer spent as they were now, and he’d likely lose himself to the pleasure his body so severely wanted him to pursue. But right now wasn’t abouthispleasure. If he was going to continue putting his trust in Avril, then he needed to resist his physical urges at all costs. And he needed to hope Tess would let him get away with what he was about to do.

There was only one way to find out.

Liam pulled away from Tess, and his entire lower half revolted against what he’d just done. Grimacing because of how badly he wanted to finish grinding against her until he exploded, Liam removed his hands, balled them into fists, and then breathed so deeply that his lungs didn’t dare accept another iota of oxygen.

His hands opened, and before Tess could question him as to why he’d stopped, he slipped his fingers into the waistband of her leggings. Immediately, two depthless eyes of blue widened in shock.

“Liam, be careful,” she warned. “Remember what you promised me.”

“I know, and a promise is a promise.” He held her gaze even as a cloying lump of trepidation gathered in his throat. He really hoped she’d let him go just this little bit further. “I want to do something for you.”

“You’ve already done quite a bit for me,” Tess said. “Remember what I said about things potentially moving too quickly?”

He nodded. “I haven’t forgotten, and if you say no, I’ll back off right away. I promise this is the last thing I want to do for you. Just this one more thing.”

Her eyes clouded with internal consideration, and Liam held his hands, mouth, and breath completely still—he would have done the same for his heart if he had that control—during the silence. So close. He could practically see the finish line ahead of him. He just needed a bit more time to get there. One more nod of the head, one more assent, that was all it would take.

Tess’s gaze regained its clarity. Apprehension ran amok over her beautiful features as she nodded at his shorts.

“That stays where it is, okay? I’m not kidding, Liam. Do not try and slip it in and think I’ll be okay with it. It’ll be the end ofanythingbetween us if you do.”

“I swear I won’t try anything like that, Tess,” he answered, infusing every glimmer of truth he could into his gaze.

She gathered what he showed her, and it seemed she found it acceptable. Swallowing uneasily, she offered him the nod he needed.

“All right, Liam. I’m putting my trust in you. I hope it will still remain there once we head back into my bedroom.”

He was certain it would. Every word he’d spoken was the truth. Now, elated that he had been given the chance to prove it, he renewed his grasp on her leggings’ waistband and began to pull them down.

Unsurprisingly, the skintight fabric didn’t want to leave the flawless body it clung to. As Liam worked her leggings down, also bringing along her panties, he needed some shimmying from Tess to pull them down over her shapely butt, only for him to then become a complete captive to her peerless body.

With or without the leggings adhering tightly to it, it remained perfect in shape and size. Liam’s heart pounded in his chest as he considered where to put his lips.

“Don’t get lost staring at it for too long,” Tess advised, though he heard the pride hidden in her voice.

“R-right,” he said, clearing his throat and stopping his downward pull at mid-thigh level. He still admired her body for a few more moments before finally regathering his focus for the task ahead of him.

It was time to make Tess Williams cum.

Ultimately, hedidstart with that kiss he’d considered planting. Drawn in like a moth to a flame, his lips fluttered against her bared skin, leaving a slightly wet mark against its smoothness. Tess’s face heated up as he glanced at her, but she said nothing. He kissed her again, only a few inches to the right.

More followed as Liam lowered himself onto his knees, and he didn’t immediately realize that this was the first time his lips had ever truly touched her. When he did, he simply marveled at the fortunate reality he dwelled within. One that would probably remain secret for a very, very long time. This part, especially. It certainly wasn’t the story of “a first kiss” you’d share with your kids someday.

He scooted back on his knees, using his hands to dictate that he wanted Tess to bend over a bit more. She obeyed, keeping her lower half within range of his torrid lips. The change in position also made it a bit difficult for her to keep peering over her shoulder at him. Whenever he did see her face, he saw a blend of hesitance and pleasure clashing together. However, with time, the latter began to overwhelm the former.

Planning to rid her of her fears completely, Liam finally made his intentions clear. Wrapping his left hand around the front of her left thigh, he quickly spat on the fingers of his right hand and mixed it. Only then, at long last, did he slide his fingers between her thighs.

Tess’s entire body tensed as he intentionally skimmed his fingers over her inner thigh, beginning by lightly massaging her smooth skin closer to her knee than her sex. Liam continued to kiss her butt, soft pecks at random intervals, only stopping when he withdrew his fingers and reapplied some saliva to them.

A little higher. Tess flexed again when he touched her, higher up her inner thigh. He could feel the heat emanating from her body; it crashed into him in waves. His hand retreated for a second time but soon returned for a third.

Slightly restrained by her leggings, they couldn’t stop Tess from instinctually fighting to spread her legs a little. Liam’s heart absolutely pounded because of her response. Her want.