Page 76 of Holiday Home

With the third removal of his hand and its subsequent fourth touch, he finally slid his wet fingers over her slit. His soft, gliding touch earned more than just a flex of her body. Instead, it prompted a full-blown shiver through the sexy woman bent over for him.

“Again?” Liam asked, his voice barely a whisper.

“Again,” Tess answered throatily.

Like a swing returning from its forward momentum, he glided his fingertips back the way they’d just come. And again. And again. One finger, occasionally two, he stroked Tess’s lower lips, each time causing her to exhale, quiver, or sigh pleasurably.

“Have I told you how sexy you are?” he asked, kissing her as he swirled his fingers dangerously close to her clit’s hood.

“I think you, ah, have… a few times.”

“You’re so sexy,” he said, smiling and kissing her as he, at last, split her pussy’s lips enough for him to find and feel her clit—and how staggeringly wet she was.

“Thank you,” she said breathlessly, though he wasn’t sure if she was answering his compliment or his touch.

Whichever it was, he planned to give her more of both. Slowly, as Avril had painstakingly detailed last night, Liam began to gently swirl his finger around Tess’s clit.

“Mmm,” she whispered, dropping her head between her arms and beginning to sigh with increasing intensity. “It feels so good, Liam. Do you plan to make me cum?”

“Yes,” he replied breathlessly, heart beating at an unstoppable barrage. “That isexactlywhat I want to make you do.”

“You’re, ahhh, headed the right way,” she told him, quaking as he patiently lathered her body closer and closer to its breaking point. Every erotic sound sent him deeper into his own haze of satisfaction. He greedily collected each one for his memories.

“Can I put a couple fingers inside?” he soon asked, leaning his cheek against her butt.

“Yes,” Tess hoarsely responded. “Start with one, but two should be perfect. Three might work when I’m a bit looser.”

It was pretty much precisely what Avril had suggested, and Liam briefly retreated from Tess’s clit. Probing her lewd body with his middle finger, he slid it along her lips, then parted them as he drew his finger back along her slit. Finding her tight opening, slick, and practically scalding hot, Liam bit his lip as he penetrated Tess from behind.

“Oh! Ohhh!” The moans fled the beautiful woman’s lips in a race to bounce off the walls. More marvelous sounds pursued them as he slipped his finger deeper inside.

Liam paid heed to nothing in the world except those moans and the physical responses Tess provided him with as he explored her slick insides. Once he’d entered her down to the knuckle, he slowly pulled out, turning his finger, pressing his fingertip against different parts of her walls. Once he’d nearly pulled it out of her, back in he went, slow, methodical, paying every notice to her responses.

“Where do you like it?” he asked, also massaging her thigh with his left hand.

“T-there,” she whispered, sucking in a tight stream of air after he’d turned his knuckle toward the ceiling and gently pressed down once his finger was about three-quarters of the way inside her.” “Oh, God, that feels so good.”

“Here?” he asked, seeking confirmation as he began to stir his finger over the area she’d designated.

“Fuck—ahhh, yes. There, Liam. Right there!”

Liam gave that spot his full attention. Each time he slid his finger back deeper into her, he gently aggravated the area with the pad of his finger. Each time, Tess’s moans grew a bit more erratic, unwound.

“You can be a bit harder, Liam. Faster.”

“Okay,” he said, smiling.

There was one all-important lesson Avril had provided him with last night during their long phone call together. In her usual fashion, she’d done so quite colorfully.

“Listen, everything I’m telling you about is just general shit. Like I’ve already told you, we all like it a little differently. At the end of the day, you’ve got to keep your eyes and ears open and ask questions—and probably collect some criticisms afterward. Whether she likes it soft as satin or wants to feel like she won’t ever be able to walk again after you pound her senseless, you’ve got to find that out from her. So, fucking pay attention. We all got to see how good with your hands you are when it comes to cards. So, why don’t you try and show Tess how good they are for other things?”

So, he applied that extra pressure. He sped up his rhythm, adding more pressure each time he thrust his finger inside her. Tess shuddered, gripping her handholds as tightly as she could. Her sublimely sexy body craved his touch, and there was no greater realization than that. Liam grabbed hold of it and held it close to his heart.

“Is it still feeling good?” he asked. “Do you want a second finger now?”

“Y-yes. You can go even a bit… ungh, harder. Just a little.”

She heaved a few quick breaths as he pulled his hand back enough to allow his index finger to join the fun. He entered her slowly, feeling her walls again stretch because of his added intrusion. After that, with her already soaking wet, he didn’t do anything slowly with those two fingers again.