Page 40 of Holiday Home

Before he could defend himself, Avril froze the words in his brain. In one smooth, swift motion, she gave up her spot beside him and instead claimed a spotonhim. Straddling his lap, she grinned at his shell-shocked reaction.

“I can’t have you turning into a horny monster when everyone else is here,” she cooed, beginning the process of slipping out of her shirt. It ended up tossed on the couch’s back, right beside his head. Wearing nothing but a dark bra, which possessed the enviable task of containing her creamy breasts, she put her smooth, flawless skin on nearly hands-on display.

“I saw the way you stared at Victoria’s big tits. I bet she did too.”

Crimson flared within his face, overwriting his shock at the sudden situation he found himself in. “I didn’t stare at her breasts.”

“Please, you couldn’t have made it more obvious.” Avril arched forward as she slipped her hands behind her back, causing her own alluringly large breasts to crowd his vision. “You wanted a taste right then and there. Just like you do right now.”

Her bra shifted, then loosened from her voluptuous body. Her deft fingers had completed their sinful task, and Liam’s eyes reaped the benefit. Slowly shifting her shoulders and arms to cause her bra to slip down them, more and more of Avril’s breasts unveiled themselves. Yet, just as a glimpse of two dark areolae excited him beyond belief, Avril folded her arms, stopping her bra from revealing the rest.

Without any thought, Liam’s mouth formed a stark frown. Naturally, Avril grinned because of it.

“You have to admit it first,” she purred, leaning against him, though her arms again barred him from something pleasant—this time, the feeling of her breasts squishing against his chest. “You have to admit you were staring at Victoria’s tits, and then you have to admit how badly you want to see mine.”

She tilted her head forward, emerald eyes shining with amusement yet also a steady calmness. While Liam struggled to unglue his tongue from the roof of his mouth, she barely seemed affected at all by the fact that she’d practically stripped in front of him.

“It’s good practice,” she continued, voice husky as she tilted forward just that little bit more. Her eyes crowded his view, and their noses nearly touched. “You need to be able to admit things that are true, even if they get you all flustered to say them. How will you confess your undying love to Tess if you can’t say you want a girl straddling your lap in my state of dress to let you see her tits?”

Her words left his face scathing hot, yet there was a certain wildly inappropriate glimmer of truth in her assessment. He’d fantasized abouthavingTess for years, but he always skipped ahead to after they ended up together. The idea of revealing his feelings for her usually left his stomach churning with anxiety. But the only way they would end up together required him to admit how he felt. He’d have to upset the status quo eventually.

Even with this understanding dawning upon him, it didn’t leave Liam feeling any less queasy about it. He calmed down somewhat by reminding himself that he wasn’t currently in the process of confessing to the gorgeous woman he’d so long desired.

No, instead, he was supposed to compliment the tits of one of her colleagues and one of her students, the latter of whom was currently straddling him with impish glee. So, there was that, which ensured an absence of tranquility in his veins.

“Well?” Avril asked, smiling while their body heat mingled. “Are you going to say it? I’m quite comfortable like this, so we can just stay just like this until Anna, Tess, or Victoria arrive.”

More than a touch galvanized by that reminder, Liam summoned what vestiges of courage he could gather. As if sensing that he’d done so, Avril’s smile expanded.

“Fine,” he said, face heating up like someone had laid a towel soaked in hot water around it. “I was staring at Victoria’s tits, and I want to see yours.”

To the surprise of no one, that wasn’t enough for Avril.

“How badly do you want to see them?” she purred, eyes twinkling with mirth. “As bad as you wanted to cum when I had you on this couch last time?”

If the situation hadn’t already been enough to accomplish it, her reminder of his last visit more than saw that the blood rushed into his groin. Avril giggled upon feeling his stiffening cock press up beneath her.

“I’ll treat that as a suitable answer… this time. You’ll have to use your voice next time.”

Retreating, she ensured that he could slake his thirst on the sight she soon presented him with. She pulled her arms away, straightening and angling them downward. The bra slid off, catching on one of her wrists. He barely noticed as Avril tossed it to the spot she’d been sitting at just a couple of minutes ago.

Avril lifted her arms over her head, knowing exactly what she was doing as she stretched in front of him. The world was a vast and wonderful place. However, at that moment, it all shrunk down to just the few feet around him.

Her breasts were as magnificent as the rest of her. They were deliciously sized, maybe big enough that she would come in as second among the four women he’d soon play cards with. Defiant of gravity and flawlessly uniform, it made him want to test if they were real, or if Avril Knight had been a living sculpture all along. Attaching his eyes to their lovely centers, a throbbing ache began in his groin at the sight of their nubile spires, pink, protruding, and maddeningly inviting.

The woman who owned such a spectacular pair of breasts dropped her hands onto his shoulders and leaned in, though she tormented him by stopping before they brushed against his chest. Liam balled his hands into fists at his sides. Fuck, he wanted to touch them at least a little bit. He felt as if he were drowning in desire for such a thing.

“I don’t think I need to ask, but it’ll be good practice for you,” she whispered, voice a husky hum. “What do you think?”

He’d already summed it up in his mind. So, he just repeated those thoughts aloud.

“They’re as magnificent as the rest of you is.”

Avril’s confident smirk shifted into a genuine smile. “Oh, I like that. Aptly put.” She tilted her head to one side, examining him, eyes slowly rising and falling. “See, there’s hope for you yet. You’ll have Tess showing you her tits in no time.”

Another surge of blood thrust itself into his groin. Avril’s teeth sparkled all the whiter because of it.

“There is one thing you need to work on still, though,” she told him.