Page 18 of Holiday Home

Even while admonishing him, she remained relaxed and playful. Just based on their short interaction so far, it seemed like her default state.

“Now, we’re going to have to fix things up quickly, and that’s why I invited you over. That work with you?”

He could tell it was a question that didn’t warrant an answer—his presence here determined that Avrilplannedto make things go her way, regardless of his input. It still left him utterly baffled.

“I—what? You just said Anna isn’t interested in me because of my… crush on Tess. How does that getfixed?”

“By taking her ice skating, duh.” Avril shook her head, fiery strands swaying around her lovely smile. “Having the hots for our sexy ass professor isn’t some big crime, or a lot of men would be getting rounded up. I’ll also work on her while we’re out and about, get her nice and warm to you. She really doesn’t have much experience with guys, so you’ll have to be patient with her.”

Distress tugged at Liam. Already, he’d had his reservations about this whole affair. Now, with Avril’s involvement, especially given that she and Anna both now knew about his attraction to Tess, it was beginning to become too much.

“Listen, Anna seemed great, but this can’t be a good idea. If she’s not interested in me anymore, I’m not going to try and lie to her or anything—or whatever the plan is. You’re her friend, so surely, you get that, right?”

“Oh, don’t be like that, Liam,” Avril said, smiling calmly. “The plan still works so long as you’re up for it.”

“I’m really not sure I am anymore.”Or that I ever was.

Avril cocked her head to the side, observing him for a few uncomfortable seconds. “It’d just be a couple of dates, that’s all. Just enough for Anna to spend time with a guy whoisn’tafter her fortune—or some bullshit clout about being herfirst. Tess has done nothing but brag about you since she first mentioned you a few months ago. All you need to do is be yourself a few times, and maybe she’ll realize that letting her dumbass dad pair her off with a fuckingAlden,” she said, practically spitting the words, “is going to make her miserable for the rest of her life.”

“And then what? Am I supposed to break up with her after a few dates?” He frowned deeply.

“You’re overthinking it,” Avril said, dismissing his worries with a swish of her slender hand. “She’s getting a taste of romance, not a smorgasbord of it. All you need to do is be halfway decent for a couple of weeks, and then winter break will be over. You can just be friends after that, and you get to go back to schmoozing after our professor.”

“Thatisn’thow it is,” he growled.

“It’s not?” A distressingly maverick gleam appeared within the emerald depths of her eyes. “So, Icouldn’tconvince you to give this a try, even if I promised to coach you on how to make Tess fall for you?”

“That’s not funny.”

“I’m not laughing.” Avril leaned forward, dropping her voice to a husky whisper. “I’m a senior; I’ve taken all her classes. Not only that, I happen to be almost as close with her as Anna is. I knowa lotabout what she looks for in a guy.” She leaned back, stretching, forcing his eyes to confront the swell of her breasts as they strained against her shirt’s fabric. “I bet there’splentyI could teach you.”

Liam swallowed, which was the wrong thing to do. Because Avril heard him do it, and the glow in her eyes subsequently brightened.

“Enticing, isn’t it?” she pressed. “All that you could get from someone like me? And all you’d have to do is be your usual self while dating a beautiful, sweet, polite woman for a few weeks. Wow, what a trialthatwould be. I see why I’m having to tempt you with a reward if you do it.”

Heat battered his face as she snorted with laughter. The intoxicatingly beautiful woman continued lounging, forcing him to struggle with keeping his eyes locked with hers. Her smile was growing wider and wider with each passing second.

“That’s not what it is,” he complained under his breath. He chewed on the inside of his cheek. Was she just messing with him, or did she actually have inside knowledge about Tess? And what the hell was he doing, considering taking her up on her offer? It was wrong… right? If he’d sat down in one of Tess’s classes and suggested the deal Avril was working with him, he was certain she would declare it a morally bankrupt decision. If Tess learned what he and Avril were up to, she might never speak to him again.

Or she might do something more thanjustspeak to you,an insidious and corrupting part of him whispered.

Avril was okay with it. And this also involved her friend, so it couldn’t beallbad. Right?

“What happens if things crash and burn when we go ice skating, or even before that? How are we going to explain my unannounced presence to her?”

“You let me worry about that. You just focus on all the benefits you could earn.”

The word benefits rolled off her tongue seductively, and she no longer leaned backward. Instead, like a limber palm tree swaying in the wind, she bent forward, leaning her forearms on her knees as she crossed her legs. Blood sprinted into his cock as she practically forced him to gawk at her creamy breasts with the gesture, and the mildly warm apartment suddenly felt scorching hot.

“Looks like you might be interested in other benefits, too,” Avril purred. “Tess’s bias toward you must be getting in the way of her realizing how lecherous you really are.”

“That’s not—”

Two of Avril’s fingers found the lip of her shirt directly between her magnificent breasts. Hooking her fingers over it, she silenced him mid-sentence with a quick but sinfully revealing tug.

Liam’s jaw unhinged itself, every part of his body save for his eyes turning rigid. Unable to resist, much less tear his gaze away, he saw voluptuously creamy skin and hints of two alluringly dark areolae. Liam’s balls tightened as if Avril had snuck her other hand in while he was distracted to squeeze them.

“You’resored-faced,” Avril said, giggling. “That’s good for Anna, I suppose, but not so good for your chances with Tess. We’ll work on it.”