Page 19 of Holiday Home

She released her shirt, allowing the tight-fitting tank top to resume its fortunate hug of her painfully perfect body. She didn’t sit back up, however, and Liam yearned for the type of self-control that would let him yank his gaze away. But he wasn’t a celibate monk who’d spent years learning to control his bodily responses.

Right now, he was the complete opposite.

Mouth pulling to one side, Avril glanced at the two phones she’d placed on the coffee table. Humming thoughtfully, she checked the time. Her eyes flashed mischievously as she returned her attention to him.

“In fact, we have time right now. It’s as good a time as any for me to test your mettle.” She grinned as she delivered the final word.

“This isn’t really that funny of a joke, Avril.”

Her smile vanished, replaced by a severe demeanor. “I’m not joking. This is the deal. You help ensure that Anna decides that she’d rather pick her men rather than let them be picked for her, and I’ll equip you with everything you need to make a woman like Tess Williams melt in your arms.”

“What does that even mean?” he said, gut churning with anxiety… and something else. “‘Make her melt.’”

“You know what it means,” Avril told him. “Like what I could do to you right now if you stop wasting time. I need to obviously…checka few things.” Her grin reappeared as if it’d never gone. “It’s all scientific, of course. I’m sure a professor like Tess would approve. Ethics is a science, isn’t it?”

Liam’s heart hammered inside his chest, and he couldn’t taste a drop of saliva left in his mouth. Avril’s smile dripped with innuendo, but she twirled a finger to let him know he needed to make a decision.

“I guess I’m… up for it.”

“Bold choice of words,” Avril said, nodding at his groin. “Now, relax. You’re way too tense for the gift you’re about to receive.”

She placed a hand on his chest, undoubtedly aware of the rapid drum of his heart. Skewering him with another flirtatious smile, she slid her hand down his torso. Managing to swallow once, and only once, her hand reached the knee-buckling erection throbbing beneath his pants.

“Deep breaths, Liam,” she whispered, sidling beside him. “Relax those shoulders.” She nudged him with hers. “You’re about to get an experience you’ll never forget.”

Chapter Ten

First Taste

Liam couldn’t hear a thing over the torrent of blood rushing through his ears. He sat there, completely transfixed by the slender hand massaging his cock over his clothes. He missed whatever Avril said next. Melt was right. Liam felt paralyzed, and not just physically. Was this a dream? Would he wake up if he blinked, or if he said something, or if he looked away from the hand undoing him with just a few simple motions?


Finally breaking out of his stupor, his gaze snapped toward the voice humming his name against his ear. Bright emerald eyes sparkled mischievously. The feeling on his cock didn’t end. It wasn’t a dream.

“Don’t tell me this is the first time a girl’s felt you up,” Avril said, chuckling. “You’re cute enough to have at least a few experiences before me.”

“It’s not my first time,” Liam quickly said, trembling as Avril ran a finger over his waistband.

“Good.” She leaned in, scalding his ear with her husky whisper. “Because I want you to hold out for as long as you can. This is a test, after all. Tess wouldn’t want a man who can’t make sure she’s satisfied too.”

With the same two fingers she’d used to move her shirt earlier, she slipped them into his waistband. Briefly tugging it away from his stomach, she playfully let it snap back into place. Liam could have chewed through gravel. She wasn’t doing a single thing to relieve the tension ratcheting through his muscles. Otherwise, he might have stopped long enough to realize how insane this situation was.

When her fingers returned, they swam over his stomach beneath his shirt. Like a doctor giving a physical, Avril hummed to herself as she explored his abs. However, the look she held him in place was anything but professional.

“Now, down—we—go.”

Avril slipped her hand downward, fingers shimmying past his waistband. Her supple fingertips glided over his skin until they found the tip of his cock. Smiling, she ran two fingertips over the precum already oozing out of it.

“Let’s see what we’re working with,” she said.

Assailed by her soft touch, Liam could only stay perfectly still as the gorgeous redhead measured him. She swept her fingers around, never breaking eye contact with him. She smiled calmly, as if this were a normal situation, not an utterly unfathomable one.

From his precum-covered tip to the base of his cock, Avril let her hand do its due diligence. She took her time. Like a lazy scroll through a phone while looking for a place to eat later, she didn’t seem to be in any rush. Paradoxically, this both thrilled and tormented him. Her silky fingers thrust electric pulsations through him, and his heart pounded louder with each passing second. He needed more than this. He hoped she knew that, that she wouldn’t keep him waiting for much longer.

“I like the size,” Avril purred, brushing her lips against his ear. “Shall we find out if you can handle my hand?”

“Yeah,” he whispered hoarsely. Any attempt at wit or flirtatiousness failed him. It was a bestial, all-consuming need propelling him forward now.