“Probably, but they don’t know shit. I told you yesterday, if someone jaywalks in this town, they haul me in. I’ll plead the fifth for everything, Carter will spout his legalese, and we’ll leave.”

“I’m sure they’ll haul me in too.”

“Why?” he asked, his tone menacing.

“Calm down. It has nothing to do with our adventure last night. Nate got Eddie’s address from the school secretary for me, and she wants to know why. I told him to be honest with her. He and Louise both thought I was going over bright and early this morning, but I told them I never made it over this morning because I overslept. Both of which are true.”

“Let me guess,” he said in a dry tone. “You’ve got a hell of a hangover.”

I snorted. “It’s like you’re a damn psychic. In any case, I’m sure I’ll be called in too. I might even see you there.”

“You got an attorney?”

“Why would I need an attorney?”

It was his turn to snort. “Don’t be so naive. I’m guessing that’s a no. You’ve got one now. I’ll text you his name and number. Let us both know when you’re supposed to go in. He’ll cover your ass.”

“Why would you give me your attorney?”

“I’m not giving him to you. I’m loaning him, and like it or not, we’re tied together now. I need to make sure you don’t implicate me in anything.”

“I’m not going to do that.”

“Damn right you’re not. Nevertheless, having Hale sit in on your interview is my insurance to make sure you don’t.”

“I can’t afford an attorney.”

“I’ll cover it. Let me know when you get your summons.”

I wasn’t thrilled with that, but I’d dwell on it later. “The LaRues showed up at the school this morning to report Eddie. I’m finding it hard to believe they’d do that if Mr. LaRue had something to do with his disappearance.”

“The wife told you she was going to the school today. Maybe they thought it would look suspicious if they didn’t.”

“Yeah, true.” But most people didn’t have the acting chops to pull that off without suspicion. Then again, I suspected the Jackson Creek PD were incompetent enough that a murderer could walk into the police station to pay a parking ticket, drenched in blood, and leave without arousing suspicion.

“You must be really fuckin’ hung over. Get your shit together, Detective.”

He hung up that time. Seconds later, the name and number of Malcolm’s attorney showed up on my screen, along with a link to his slick website.

Carter Hale, attorney at law.

I was pretty damn sure sharing an attorney with Malcolm was a terrible idea, but having one present wasn’t, and God knew I couldn’t afford another attorney on my own.

It was merely a matter of time before I was called to the station, so I took a shower and washed away the alcohol oozing from my pores. I was drying my hair when I finally got the call, Chief Larson’s number appearing on the screen.

I answered cheerfully, “What can I do for you, Chief Larson?”

“I’ve heard a few things about you today, Harper Adams.”

“Really? All good, I hope.”

“Don’t be a smartass. I need you to come to the station within the hour.”

“Sure thing,” I said. “Anything I can do to help.” I hung up before he could respond and sent a text to Malcolm and his attorney.

I’ve been ordered to come to the station within the hour

Malcolm responded.