“What a bunch of idiots,” I grunted, making my way to my espresso machine.

“Why are they a bunch of idiots?” she asked. “I mean, it’s a given that they are, but it sounds like you have specific information.”

Could I admit that I went to his house, realized he’d been kidnapped and not reported it to the police?

“I never talked to him,” I repeated truthfully.

“I thought you were going to go over this morning.”

“I’d planned to, but I overslept. I just got up about ten minutes ago.”

“So who tipped him off?” she asked.

“Maybe the LaRues. Millie said they’d wait and tell the school about Eddie’s behavior this morning, but her husband didn’t agree to anything. He had to be furious. Maybe he showed up at Eddie’s house and scared him off.”

“Maybe.” She didn’t seem convinced.

“Not to change the subject, but last night I forgot to ask you if you knew anything more about that murder.”

“I still don’t know much,” she said with a sigh. “They’re keeping it pretty tight-lipped, need to know information only.”

“We need to tell Kylie it wasn’t her cousin.”

“Already texted her yesterday.” She paused, then said, “If you knew where Eddie Johnson was, you’d let me know, right?”

“I swear I don’t know where he is, Louise.”

“That didn’t really answer my question, did it?” She didn’t wait for a response and hung up.

I already felt like horse shit, and now I felt even worse. I called Nate next.

“Hey, Harper, what am I supposed to tell Natalie?”

“Tell her the truth, that you gave me his address.”

“Won’t you get in trouble?” He sounded worried.

“No, because I never saw him. I overslept until about fifteen minutes ago, when I saw I had messages from you and Louise. When I called her back, she said Eddie didn’t show up to work, so the Jackson Creek police had put an all-points bulletin out for him. Millie LaRue knew I planned to talk to him, and I’m sure she told the police. So I don’t care if Chief Larson finds out. I’ve got nothing to hide.”


Maybe so, but I wasn’t about to tell Nate the truth.

“Well, keep me posted,” he said, not sounding happy with my answer.

I was disappointing people left and right today, and I hadn’t even had a cup of coffee yet.

“Will do.”

I hung up and called Malcolm next.


“This seems a bit early for you to be up,” I said in a falsely cheery tone.

“That’s what happens when your lawyer calls to tell you you’ve been summoned to the police station for questioning.”

“Dammit. Is this about Eddie?”