“This is good for you,” she says, grabbing my hand.

“Thanks, Delaney. For everything,” I tell her, smiling.

“All right, enough of the deep conversations, shall we watch Mean Girls?”

“Of course. Is that even a question?”

We spend the next couple of hours laughing and cuddling on the couch. This is the kind of stuff I need to be doing. I want to party less and hang out with my friends more. I need to start making memories that I’ll remember.

“Thanks for this,” I tell her, as we both get up to head to our bedrooms.

“Let’s do this more often,” she says, mirroring my thoughts from only moments ago.

“I was just thinking the same thing.”

Once I’m inside, I slip into my bed, sighing. This has been a mentally exhausting day. I’m glad that it’s over.

I grab my phone, reaching over to grab my charger that’s laying on the table next to the bed. There’s a text on the screen, and my stomach flops when I see it.

Fucking Fine Ass Clark: We’ve got unfinished business.

I scoff when I see it. He’s got some nerve.

Marley: I’ve got nothing to say to you.

Fucking Fine Ass Clark: I’m calling bullshit, beauty.

There he goes with that damn nickname again.

Marley: Stop calling me that.

Fucking Fine Ass Clark: It’s cute that you think you can tell me what to do.

Marley: Leave me alone, Clark.

Fucking Fine Ass Clark: For now.

Rolling my eyes, I plug my phone in and turn the light off. Unfortunately, when I drift off to sleep, the only thing I see are Clark’s green eyes staring back at me.

* * *

It’s been almost two months since the Halloween party. Thankfully, I haven’t heard a peep from Clark since then. But I won’t lie and say that it doesn’t disappoint me a little. I must be some kind of masochist, because why would I want him to keep fucking with me?

“What are your plans tonight?” Delaney asks me from the kitchen.

We’ve spent the last two hours studying for our exams. It’s almost the end of the first semester, and I can’t believe how fast college has been flying by.

“I’ve got a date with Justin,” I tell her, smiling.

Things are still going strong with Justin. I’ve been slowly letting him in. Sometimes, it feels like I might be able to fall in love with him, but then thoughts of Clark creep back in and ruin everything.

“Oh, tell me more,” she says, walking into the living room, joining me on the couch.

“There’s not much to tell. He told me to dress up and he’d be here at seven.” I shrug.

“Maybe he’s proposing?” she says, clapping her hands together.

“God, I hope not. We’ve only been dating for like four months.” I shudder.