The thought of a proposal makes me sick to my stomach.

“I was joking, girl, but man I hope he doesn’t, because the look of horror on your face would kill the guy’s ego,” she says, laughing.

“Now you’ve got me scared,” I tell her, laughing.

I get up from the couch, heading into my bedroom to get ready.

* * *

“Mar, Justin’s here!” Delaney yells from the other room a couple of hours later.

“Be right there!” I tell her, staring back at myself in the mirror.

I pulled my hair back into a ponytail, curling it first. It’s gotten so long lately, it’s always in my eyes.

I run my hands down the side of my little black dress, smoothing the material down. Grabbing a pair of black stilettos from the closet, I fasten the buckles on the side, before grabbing my small clutch from the top of the dresser.

Justin’s standing in the living room, hands in his pockets, chatting with Delaney when I come into the room.

“Hey,” I say, smiling.

“Wow, Marley, you look great,” he says, returning the smile.


Delaney gives me thumbs up behind him, and I have to stop myself from laughing out loud.

I follow him to the car, sliding into the passenger seat.

“So, where are we going?” I ask, looking over at him.

“It’s a surprise,” he says, grinning.

The ride is quiet, both of us lost in our own thoughts. I don’t mind it, though.

I watch him pull up to one of the most expensive restaurants in town and I have to try and shove the disappointment down. It’s not that I don’t appreciate the gesture, I was just hoping it wouldn’t be so predictable.

“Wow,” I say, faking excitement.

It must be believable, because he looks at me proudly.

“I’ve heard nothing but good things about this place and just knew I had to bring my girl,” he says, putting the car in park.

“Thanks,” I tell him.

“Anything for you, Mar,” he says.

We walk inside, and he puts his hand on the small of my back, and I can’t help but wish that it did something for me. The disappointment I’m feeling in myself for my own thoughts far outweighs the disappointment I’m feeling over this date.

Once we’re seated and have ordered, he looks at me over his drink.

“You’re breathtaking tonight.”


“What are your plans for Christmas break?” he asks.

“I’m going home. My brother asked if I would. He and his roommate are planning a whole Christmas thing. They invited me and Delaney,” I tell him.