Marley: Hey, nice contact name.

Fucking Fine Ass Clark: You like that? ??

Marley: Yeah, it’s funny.

Fucking Fine Ass Clark: What are you doing?

Marley: Laying in bed.

Fucking Fine Ass Clark: What are you wearing?

Marley: Fuck off.

I shake my head, getting up from the bed to dig around for my pajamas.

A text comes through, and I look down to see a picture of a shirtless Clark laying in bed. Jesus Christ.

Marley: You’re playing a dangerous game.

Fucking Fine Ass Clark: What are you wearing?

He asks again, completely ignoring me.

I look down, frowning. I’m not sending him a picture of me in a smelly T-shirt and shorts. Although, I don’t think I should be sending him a picture, period.

Sighing, I dig around in my bag until I find a dark red, cropped lace pajama top and matching shorts. I pull my hair from the messy bun on my head and run my fingers through it.

I snap a picture quickly, before I can think better of it, and send it immediately, tossing my phone on my bed, pacing the bedroom while I wait for a response.

My phone dings almost immediately, and I bite my bottom lip nervously. I pick it up, staring at the message on the screen.

Fucking Fine Ass Clark: Jesus fucking Christ, beauty.

I can’t fight the smile that comes across my face.

Marley: Okay, that’s enough.

Fucking Fine Ass Clark: You’re killing me.

I don’t know how to respond to him. I shouldn’t have even let it get this far, but it seems like I lose all sense of responsibility when it comes to any interactions with Clark.

Fucking Fine Ass Clark: Don’t overthink this, beauty.

Marley: It’s kind of hard not to.

Fucking Fine Ass Clark: I could fall in love with you.

I gasp at his words, my hands trembling as I type out a response.

Marley: Don’t say shit like that to me, Clark. Don’t fucking do that.

Fucking Fine Ass Clark: It’s the truth.

Marley: I don’t care.

Fucking Fine Ass Clark: Beauty, one day, when you find the right guy, I hope I’m the one that haunts your dreams at night. I hope you lay awake at night, like I do, and think about what could have been, if we were two different people.

Marley: Why would you want me to go through that?