Fucking Fine Ass Clark: Because I hate myself every time I think a dirty thought about you, and I want someone else to feel that pain.

Marley: Fuck you, Clark.

Fucking Fine Ass Clark: Goodnight, beauty.

Taking a deep breath, I close out of the messages and plug my phone into my charger. A knock at my door pulls me from my thoughts, and Delaney peeks her head inside.

“Hey, you good?” she asks, looking at me concerned.

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” I ask, leaning up on my elbows to look at her.

“You’ve been crying. And you look fucking sad,” she says, frowning, before walking into the room.

Have I been crying? I didn't even realize.

Sighing, I lay back down, and she joins me on the bed.

“I’m going through some shit,” I admit.

“Talk to me,” she says.

So, I do. I tell her everything. I tell her about Mallory’s journals. I tell her about Clark. I spill everything. The two of us cry, a lot, especially when I let her read Mal’s journal entry, and then she pretends to fan herself when I tell her in detail all of the interactions I’ve had with Clark.

“Can I give you some advice?” she asks, grabbing my hand.

“Sure,” I say, looking up at the ceiling.

“Life is hard, Mar. It’s so fucking hard. You’ve been through so much shit, but that doesn’t mean you have to live in it. I knew Mallory, and I know she wouldn’t want that for you. She was in a lot of pain. She went through some stuff that neither one of us will ever relate to, and I hate that, but you’re still here. I want you to remember to keep living. Please,” she says, squeezing my hand.

“I promise I’ll keep living,” I reassure her.

“Now, this Clark situation. I wish I had some advice for that, but I don’t. There’s something weird about that relationship with Riley. It’s not genuine, but she has some kind of hold on him. I can’t put my finger on it. The man wants you bad, though. So fucking bad,” she says, smiling.

“Don’t fucking smile. It’s awful.” I groan.

“Oh, so awful that he’s giving you multiple orgasms without actually fucking you,” she says, rolling her eyes, laughing.

“You make me sound like a hussy,” I say, laughing along with her.

“Well, it takes one to know one,” she says, wiggling her eyebrows.

“Fuck off.” I shove at her shoulder, and it makes her laugh harder.

“I’m going to make it my mission to get you laid. You’ve got a lot of pent-up sexual energy in there.”

“I do not, I’ve had multiple orgasms, remember?”

“Nothing like an orgasm from a legit fucking, though,” she says, getting up from the bed.

“Wanna sleep with me?” I ask, before she leaves the room.

“I thought you’d never ask,” she says, jumping back into bed with me.

* * *

The next couple of weeks pass by in a flash. We’ve already fully decorated our house, made friends with several girls on campus, and been invited to multiple frat parties.

The making friends and frat parties had nothing to do with me. Delaney is amazing at socializing. King University has been amazing so far. We started classes yesterday, and Delaney already found herself a part-time job at the bar down the street from our house.