I’m not about to get in over my head with my brother’s best friend. Especially not one that seems to have trouble written in red ink across his forehead.



Imove away from Marley, leaning back in the seat. Her scent is everywhere in this fucking car. I didn’t know a person could smell so much like flowers.

I have to give her shit, to make it seem like I’m unaffected by her and everything else going on in my fucking life right now. I don’t know how much longer I can put on this show.

It’s clear to everyone that Riley and I can’t stand each other. I don’t want to be anywhere near her, and she doesn’t seem to want anything to do with me either, yet she thinks she can run her mouth to people. When I overheard her in the kitchen, telling Marley to stay away from me, I almost lost my shit then and there.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” I seethe, grabbing Riley’s arm, pulling her towards the bedroom.

“Get your fucking hands off me,” she yells, yanking herself from my grasp.

“Why the fuck are you talking to people like you have some sort of claim on me?”

“Oh, are you pissed that I might have messed up your next booty call? Give me a break, Clark. You’ll find another one, but I’ll be damned if you’re going to flaunt it around in front of me. In case you forgot, we’re in this for the long haul. I’ll be your wife soon, baby.” She smirks.

Dread fills my stomach at the thought. At this point, I’d rather fucking die than have to marry her.

“We’ll see about that.”

This time, she grabs my arm, digging her nails into my skin.

“You better watch what you say to me. I think you’re forgetting who’s in charge around here, and it’s not you. I let you run around with your little play things all the time, because I know that all of that will be coming to an end soon. Don’t get it twisted, though.”

“Get your fucking hands off me.”

She crosses her arms over her chest, grinning, pleased with herself for getting under my skin.

“My dad will have a field day with this one,” she says.

“Leave Marley the fuck alone. That’s my family,” I tell her.

“We’ll see about that,” she says, repeating my words from earlier, before walking out of the room.

I’ve got to get myself the fuck out of this situation before my life is over.

“Oh good, the place is packed,” Mitch says, disdain evident in his voice.

“Yay, that means there will be plenty of guys for us,” Delaney says, clapping.

“This is going to be a long night,” Mitch mutters.

I watch Marley out of the corner of my eye, and I’ll be damned if she’s going home with anyone but us tonight. I’ll make sure of it.

“Does anyone care if I bring someone back to the beach house?” Delaney asks.

I watch Mitch grimace. That’s interesting.

“You do you, girl,” Marley tells her, laughing.

The four of us walk into the bar, it’s one that Mitch and I frequent when we come here. I like the atmosphere. It’s usually the place to be if you don’t want to run into the younger crowd. I’m not going to tell the girls that, though.

“You two know they aren’t going to serve you, right?” Mitch asks them, after walking inside and grabbing a table in the corner.

“We’ll see,” Delaney says, smirking.