“Damn, girl. How do you look so fine after five minutes?” Delaney asks, looking me up and down.

“You’re so stupid.” I smack her arm, laughing. “Where’s everyone else?” I ask, looking around.

We’re the only two standing in the kitchen.

“Mitch is outside, waiting on us. Riley came into the kitchen, bitching about how it was ridiculous we had to wait on you, Clark put her in her place, and then they went that way, fighting with each other, and your brother had enough so he went outside,” she says, pointing out to the back deck.

I glance over and can see Clark and Riley in a heated discussion.

“This is why I don’t do relationships,” I say, jerking my thumb in their direction.

“You and I both. Let’s go.” Delaney laughs, grabbing my arm, pulling me towards the front door.

“Are they done yet?” Mitch asks, looking up from his phone when we step outside.

“Unfortunately, no. Is this a regular occurrence?” Delaney asks, walking over to the front seat.

“Are you seriously going to make me sit in the back with them?”

“Absolutely,” she says, not a care in the world that she’s throwing me to the fucking wolves.

“I’m going to remember this.”

“They are always like this. I don’t know why Clark keeps her around. There’s something going on there between him and her dad, but he won’t tell me anything. I think the guy has threatened him or something,” Mitch says, shrugging.

The three of us climb inside the truck, just about the same time that Clark comes stomping outside.

“Oh boy.” Mitch sighs, leaning against the seat.

Clark doesn’t say anything, just opens the door, shutting it behind him.

“Do we need to wait on Riley?” Mitch asks.

“Nope. Let’s go.”

Mitch turns the music up, hoping to drown out the tension in the air. I’m sure he’s dying to get some information but doesn’t want to put him on the spot in front of us.

I glance over at Clark and he’s staring straight ahead. I see a small smirk on his face, so I realize that he’s caught me looking.

“See something you like?”

I roll my eyes, before turning my attention back to my window.

“You know, I think we could have a lot of fun together,” he whispers, leaning by my ear.

I try to suppress the shiver that races down my spine. I’d hate for him to realize he might have some kind of effect on me.

“Not gonna happen. It seems to me like you’ve got enough going on in your life,” I whisper back, turning to face him.

Our faces are only inches apart, and he grins.

“You might be just the distraction I need.”

“Well, you’re not the distraction I need, so keep dreaming,” I tell him, scooting as close to my door as I can.

I glance up front, thankful that Delaney and Mitch are lost in their own world and unaware of the interaction in the back seat.

“We’ll see,” Clark says confidently.