Page 7 of King of Kings

I rush out of the room, putting my hand up to my chest. I knew moving back to town was a risk. I always knew there was a chance I’d run into him again, but I guess I thought I had more time.

What are the chances I’d be his sister’s nurse? I’ve been so swamped today I didn’t even pay attention to the names of my patients. Kinsley just so happened to be my first patient today. She was asleep when I got here, so there hasn’t been any need for me to answer any awkward questions so far.

I’ve missed out on so much since I was away.

I haven’t seen Knox Kingston in years. Not since my family moved. He never called or messaged me. I guess I didn’t mean as much to him as I thought I did. Maybe it was all in my head?

* * *

The next morning,I stop in Kinsley’s room first while making my rounds. I haven’t seen any of the Kingston siblings since I got here this morning, so I figure this is the perfect opportunity to talk to her.

“Good morning,” I say, knocking on the door, before peeking my head inside.

“Sophia?” Kinsley says from the bed, looking surprised to see me.

“Hey, Kins.” I smile at her, walking over to the bed, taking the seat next to her.

“What are you doing here?” she asks, smoothing her hands down on the blankets.

“I’m your nurse,” I say, giving her a sad smile.

“I’m really embarrassed,” she says, avoiding eye contact with me.

“There’s no reason to be embarrassed. How are you feeling this morning?” I ask.

“Better. I mean, given the circumstances.”

“Understandable. Do you want to talk about it?”

“I don’t think I’m ready for that yet,” she tells me, turning her attention to the window in the room.

“That’s totally fine. I just wanted to pop in and say hello and see how you felt.” I smile, patting her hand.

“Thanks, Sophia,” she says, laying her head back down on the pillow with a sigh. I see her eyes getting heavy, and it’s clear to me she needs some more rest.

I close the door behind me, walking her paperwork back up to the nurse’s station.

“Sophia?” a familiar voice says, making me look up.

“Kai, oh my God.”I rush from the desk, wrapping my arms around him.

“Knox,”I say, turning my attention to his older brother.

“How is she?Can we see her?” Kai asks.

“I’m not supposedto allow visitors this early, but I will for you guys. She’s okay. She’s embarrassed.”

I glancebetween the two of them, trying not to pay too much attention to Knox and the way he’s glaring at me.

“Follow me,” I tell them, walking them over to her room. “She was falling asleep the last time I was in here. I can’t let you guys stay too long,” I say before leaving them alone.

And just like that, the Kingston siblings have come crashing back into my life. Will I be able to survive it this time?

* * *

Two WeeksLater

“Sophia Marie, you need to get your life together.” I can hear my mom nag at me through the phone, but thankfully she can’t see me roll my eyes.