Page 8 of King of Kings

“I do have my life together, Mother. I have a job I love, my own place, and great friends.”

“You’re getting older. You need to find a husband, start a family, and start living.”

“It’s not everyone’s life goal to be married and have kids, Mom,” I point out.

“Most women your age aren’t already divorced either.”

I should have seen that one coming. She might die if she found out I’m not really divorced. Not yet anyway.

“I think it’s time for me to go. I’ve got to get to work.”

That’s a lie. I’m off today, but she doesn’t need to know that. That’s the beauty of moving away. Your parents don’t get to know everything that’s happening in your life.

“This conversation isn’t over,” she warns.

I hang up before she tries to get any more jabs in at me.

I flop down on my couch, clicking through channels, mindlessly. Every time I have a conversation with my mother, I’m mentally exhausted for the rest of the evening. I’m afraid if I stop answering her, she’ll figure out where I am and show up.

My phone rings and I tense up––it’s not like her to call back for a second round.

I blow out a sigh of relief when I see its Kinsley Kingston.

“Hey, girl,” I say, trying to keep the exhaustion from my voice as best as I can.

“You sound like Knox… stressed,” she says almost immediately.

My body stiffens at his name.Knox Kingston. The man that’s haunted my dreams my entire life. The man I’ve always wanted but I’ll never have.

I made sure that I screwed up any chance of that a long time ago.

“I’m okay, just had an intense conversation with my mother.”

“You and Knox have more in common than you’ll ever know.” She laughs.

I wonder what she means. I know Mr. Kingston is pretty intense, but surely, he can’t be as bad as my mother, Maria.

“What are you up to?” I try changing the subject quickly.

“Nothing. I’m bored. Everyone has something going on and I’m feeling lonely.”

I shift around on the couch, making myself comfortable. I worry about Kinsley all the time.

The two of us had a long talk, and it didn’t take me long to figure out that Kinsley needed some help.

“This is my first night off in like a week. For the first time in my life, I’m okay with being bored.” I laugh, reaching down to grab my glass of wine.

“Do you want to come by? Girls’ movie night and all that fun stuff?” she asks, and I can tell she’s a little nervous to ask.

I think about how awful it would be to run into Knox. Every time we’ve been around each other since I moved back has been painful and awkward.

It occurs to me this isn’t about me and Knox. It’s about Kinsley.

“Sure, Kins. I’d love to. I’ll be over in a few.” I hang up and frown as I pour my wine into the sink.

That one sip was definitely not enough for what I might face at the Kingston house. I walk into my bedroom, grabbing a pair of leggings and a tank top.

Twenty minutes later, I’m pulling into the driveway and already regretting agreeing to come. Thankfully, I only see Kinsley’s car in the driveway, but that does nothing to calm the nerves I feel at the thought of coming face to face with Knox again.