Page 28 of King of Kings

I put up a finger to tell her to give me a minute before swiping over to answer the phone.

“Hey, Dylan,” I say, getting up from the bed, pacing the room.

“Hey, Sophia. How are you?”

“I’m good. Just getting settled into my new place for the time being.”

“I forgot you said you had things going on at your apartment. I hope that gets straightened out pretty quickly.”

“Thanks.” I chew on my fingernail nervously.

“Anyway, I was calling to see if you might want to go out later? Maybe grab some dinner or something?”

“Like a date?” I ask, blurting out my thoughts and mentally cursing myself.

Kinsley gets up from the bed, clapping her hands.

I avoided him the last time I let him take me on a date. It doesn’t feel right for me to say yes.

“Yeah, a date,” he says.

“Sure. Yeah. I’d like that,” I tell him.

Why did I just say yes?

“Can you text me the address to the place you’re staying? I’ll pick you up around six.”

“Sure. Can’t wait.” I hang up, tossing my phone on the bed.

“You have a date!” Kinsley squeals.

“I have a date!” I laugh.

Then my excitement turns to dread. What if Knox finds out? What if he’s here? Do I even want to date Dylan?

“Hey, are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m great. Just nervous.”

I have to stop worrying about Knox. It’s obvious he just wants to play with my feelings. I don’t have time for that, and Dylan is a nice guy.

“What are you going to wear?” Kinsley asks, pulling me from my thoughts.

“I have no idea. He just asked me to dinner. I don’t know how to date.” I groan, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

“Don’t worry. I’ve got this,” Kinsley says, already rummaging through my closet.

She pulls out a deep purple sundress. It falls just above my knee, has thin straps, and plunges in the neckline. It’s one of my favorites.

“I love that dress,” I say, leaning back on my hands.

“It’s going to look amazing on you. You have the perfect summer glow going on right now,” she gushes, tossing the dress at me. “Go get dressed. I’ll find you the perfect shoes.”

“You’re bossy.” I laugh.

“When it comes to helping people get ready, I take my job very seriously,” she says from inside the closet.

I quickly replace my moving clothes with the dress and come out of the bathroom just as Kinsley emerges from the closet.