“Knox…” I start to say.
“Don’t start, Sophia. Not today,” he warns before walking out.
This is going to be painful. I can already tell. I’m not sure I’ll survive living under the same roof as him. He’s so hot and cold with me. Sometimes it’s like he might die if he can’t be near me, and sometimes it’s almost as if he can’t stand to be in the same room as me.
I spend the next hour unpacking and hoping like hell this isn’t a long stay.
I’m in the middle of reading a book on my phone when I hear a knock on my door.
“Sophia, are you in there?”
“Come in, Kins.”
“I’m so happy you agreed to come stay. It’s going to be so nice to have you here,” she says, rushing into the room, joining me on the bed.
“Thanks for offering up the room.”
“Of course. We have so much space. There’s no need for you to spend unnecessary money on a hotel room.”
“Well, I appreciate it.”
“Was someone here when you got here? I was hoping to get out of class in time to help you out.”
“Knox was here. How is school?” I ask, quickly changing the subject from her brother.
I don’t miss the raise of her eyebrows.
“It’s great. I’m having so much fun. Don’t tell my brothers, but the parties are amazing.” She sighs, leaning back against the headboard.
“Oh, to be young and reckless again.” I laugh.
“You’re still young.” She laughs.
“True, but I don’t have fun anymore.” I frown.
“You sound exactly like Knox. When he isn’t doing God knows what for my dad, he’s at home, locked up in his room.” I don’t miss the concern that crosses her face.
“Everything okay?” I ask, putting my hand on her arm.
“Yeah, it’s fine. I know he worries about me and that’s why he hangs out here all the time… I just want him to live a little. He’s always so…” She trails off, trying to think of the right word.
“Intense,” I finish for her.
“Exactly. He’s intense. So serious all the time.” She frowns.
“Maybe he’s just going through some stuff?” I say.
“Maybe. I think he just needs a girlfriend or something.” She shrugs.
I feel this strange sense of dread at the thought of Knox having a girlfriend.
We sit on the bed for a while, watching reality TV and joking around, before my phone rings.
“Who is it?” Kinsley asks, leaning over my shoulder.
“Ohhhh, who is Dylan? Tell me more,” she says excitedly.