Page 76 of Belle

“It’s a shame. I had so many plans for you.” She twirls a strand of my hair between her fingers. “I also had plenty of plans for things we could do together,” she leans down to whisper in my ear.

“You know, I appreciate everything you’ve done for me. I really do. But I don’t work here anymore, so I don’t have to let you touch me anymore.” She pulls back, as if I’ve just punched her.

“Excuse me?”

“Don’t pretend like this isn’t something you do with all your girls. You forget I worked in a club before this. I know how it works. If you’re one of the girls that gives it up to the boss, you get the better time slots. You get more money.”

“I don’t know what kind of place you worked before this, but that’s not how we do things here. I thought we had a mutual attraction. you didn’t seem to mind me touching you before.” She really has the nerve to look offended.

“That’s because I wanted to make money, Natasha. That’s not important anymore. I have a new job.” I shrug.

“I think now would be a good time for you to leave.” She’s obviously not used to rejection.

“Gladly.” I turn to walk out the door, but her voice stops me in my tracks.

“Once you’ve had a taste of this lifestyle, the money, the sex, everything that comes with it, you can’t just leave. You’ll be back. I’ll make sure I don’t disrespect you with an ‘I told you so.’” She smirks and I leave without saying a word.

The old Belle would have never left this life. I know a person doesn’t change miraculously from taking a pregnancy test, but I’d like to think I’m going to attempt to do better than Destiny did. I don’t want to ever find myself burning alive in a trailer at the hands of my daughter.

* * *

Two weeks later,I find myself on a table in the doctor's office. It’s almost comical. From the outside looking in, we almost appear normal. Almost.

“Doesn’t it feel weird to be here, about to find out about our baby, when we just dumped a body in a creek a couple weeks ago?” I ask Maddox, tugging on the gown the doctor made me put on.

“Belle! You can’t just say shit like that when we’re out in public.” I roll my eyes. He's so dramatic.

“It’s a simple question.”

“Yes, of course it feels weird. Now quit.” The doctor chooses this moment to walk in.

“Good morning. Are you ready to see your baby?” She’s beaming at us. She probably wouldn’t be if she knew all the messed-up shit we do in our spare time.

“This might be cold.” She squirts some kind of gel on my stomach. I flinch at the coldness. “Looks like you’re almost sixteen weeks. Would you like to know the sex?” I panic a little, because I wasn’t expecting all this at the first visit.

“Is it normal to find all that out this early?”

“This isn’t really early. I see most of my patients when they are about four to eight weeks. We’re a little late to the game.”

I glance over at Maddox. I hope he has an answer, because for some reason, I can’t form any words right now. He nods at me.

“Sure. We’d like to find out.”

“It’s a girl!” She sounds so excited. I think I’m supposed to be that excited too. Instead, I feel strange.

“Did you hear that, baby? We’re having a girl,” Maddox leans in to whisper in my ear, before kissing me on the forehead.

A baby girl. All I can think about is Destiny and Mindy. About a childhood that was robbed from me. A little girl that grew up too fast.

I’m going to fuck this little girl’s life up. I already know it, and Maddox knows it too.

Chapter 25


Belle is panicking. I can see it written all over her face. I can only imagine the thoughts racing through her head right now.

She’s quiet the whole rest of the visit. I think the doctor sensed something was wrong, but thankfully didn’t push.