Page 39 of Belle

“What do you wanna see? You wanna see me naked? I can do that for you. I’ll let you touch me.” I try to keep the bile down that’s starting to rise in my throat.

“You wouldn’t.”

“I would. I love to be touched.” I reach for the bottom of my shirt. His grip loosens on Maddox and he’s easily able to pull away and grab the knife.

Maddox is so fast that the sheriff has no idea what’s happening, until it happens. “Motherfucker,” Maddox grunts.

I watch him shove the knife into his neck. I don’t even flinch.

His limp body falls to the ground. “What the fuck, Maddox?” I glance up at him to see his chest is heaving.

“What? He was gonna kill me.”

“What are we gonna do with his body?” I gesture towards the ground.

“Take it to the creek. How many bodies in this town have been found there? Nobody would even bat an eye at another.” He shrugs.

He’s not wrong.

“Let’s do it.” It’s a struggle to get the sheriff into the trunk of the car.

An hour later, we’ve dumped his body in the creek and made our way back to the house.

“What a fucking night.” He grins.

I can’t help but grin back. As much as it kills me to admit it, we make a good team.

Chapter 12


I’ve now taken part in three murders since I came to Deadhorse. The craziest part is that I don’t feel an ounce of guilt. These are all people that deserved to die.

I’m not trying to be some martyr, but I honestly feel like the world is a better place with them gone.

“What a rush,” Belle says, climbing out of the car.

“Now that we’ve killed Destiny, when do you want to skip town?” I follow her into her house.

“I want to make sure we aren’t suspects. If we are, skipping town definitely makes us look guilty. Let’s wait a couple of weeks. I can put in my notice at the club, and we can listen to the gossip around town.”

She’s got a point. It will look suspicious if we skip town the day after two people die.

“Who will be the sheriff now?”

“Probably his son. He’s a tweaker. A regular at the club.”

“This town is so fucked up,” I say out loud, not really to her, but I find her nodding in agreement.

“It is. That’s going to work in our favor though.”

“How so?”

“This town doesn’t give a shit about anyone. It’s a dying town and most of the people living here can’t afford to go anywhere else. They wouldn’t know what to do if they went somewhere that had actual laws to follow and decent people,” she explains.

“I get what you’re saying. People getting murdered, drug addicts burning to the ground, it’s all just another day in Deadhorse.” She nods in agreement.
