What the hell is wrong with you Ava? How are you okay with all of this?

Before I have much more time to think and actually deal with everything running through my head, Renzo is standing at the side of the tub with a towel wrapped around his waist, his skin glistening from his shower. Holding out a hand, he helps me from the tub, dries me off and wraps me in a towel.

Lifting me at the waist, he carries me over to the sink and sets me on the counter. Pulling a wide-toothed comb from the drawer he carefully detangles my hair. Placing the comb back, he opens another drawer and removes a bottle of lotion.


“Shhhh,piccola pesca.Just let me take care of you.”

Renzo soothingly spreads the lotion over every inch of my skin. His touch is gentle and caring – not sexual. When he finishes, he returns the lotion to the drawer and lifts me into his arms.

Carrying me from the bathroom, I expect him to return me to my room. Instead he carries me to his bed. Placing me on the ground, he pulls back the covers before removing both of our towels. Climbing into the bed, he pulls me in with him.

His arms wrap around my body as he pulls my back flush against him. I feel his fingers tuck my hair behind my ear and pull it away from my neck, immediately replacing it with his warm breath as he nuzzles against me. His fingers lingering over my body as he holds me against him.

Unable to stop, his name questionably falls from my mouth, “Renzo?”

Pulling me tighter against him, “I’ve told you, I take care what is mine. You,piccola pesca, you are mine.”

“It’s just,” I pause not knowing how to continue, “You’ve never been like this with me. This is…not like you.”

“It is,” he whispers against my face, “This is who I am for you, and only you.”

Renzo rolls my body so that we are face to face before pulling me against him again. His fingers pushing the hair from my face as he continues, “You needed to be ready to see who I am. I torture. I kill. And I enjoy it. I became a dark and evil man, because that is the man my family needed me to be. That is who I am…for them. What little good is left inside of me, that is who I saved for you. The man that you need me to be for you. That is the type of man I want to be for you.”

He places a gentle kiss on my forehead and pulls me into his chest as our legs intertwine.

“Does that mean no more leather and chains,” my own giggle interrupting my attempt at a serious tone.

“Not a chance,” he pulls me closer, “I need something to keep your bratty mouth in line.”

“Good,” I mumble back into his chest.

“Then go to sleep.”

“One more question,” I ask groggily, “What ispiccola pesca?”

“What do you think it is?”

“To be honest, I really thought it meant pain in the ass,” he briefly chuckles at my answer, “but that doesn’t seem right anymore.”

“It’s Italian for little peach,” his hands roam on my back, “You are my little peach. Sometimes you are sweet. Sometimes you are sour.”

I am about to respond when his hands firmly grip ass and pull my hips into him, “and the first time I met you, I could not take my eyes off of this perfectly round ass. So, I suggest you go to sleep before I fuck your pretty little peach of an ass to sleep.”



Ava stirs from her sleep as I slowly pull the sheets towards the end of the bed. Revealing her beautiful body to me inch by beautiful fucking inch. She attempts to sit up, but quickly realizes that her wrists and ankles are shackled to the bed.

“What the fuck, Renzo,” she growls at me causing the corner of my mouth to tick up.

“Such a foul mouth,” my fingers trail up her body, “Do I need to gag you to teach you to watch your mouth?”

Light sparkles in her eyes at the thought of being both bound and gagged.

Fucking hell.It isn’t really even punishment with her.