Suddenly, loud commotion from downstairs draws my attention from Ava.

“Renzo!,” I hear Luca calling for me.

“Don’t you dare leave me like this,” Ava spits out at me.

“Mmmm…you thinking all day about what I plan to do to you when I return,” I walk towards the door, “And me knowing you are just here waiting.”


Cracking the door, I yell, “Be down in two minutes.”

Returning to the bed, I quickly undo the shackles restraining Ava, “Just know, I plan to put you back here very soon.”

“I look forward to it,” she kisses my cheek before sliding off of the bed and wrapping the sheet around her body.

Quickly pulling on a pair of jeans and a Henley, I pull Ava close and kiss her.

“Get dressed,” I pull open the door, “And come downstairs.”

Turning the hallway towards the stairs, I quickly realize that the majority of the family is in the foyer.

“What the fuck is going on,” I call over to Luca.

“Six more places got hit last night,” he informs me, “One of them was Carmine’s.”

“Fuck. Casualties?”

“Six guys so far,” Luca replies, “and two guys unaccounted for.”

“Names,” I question.

“I’ll find out.”

“Then send someone to check on their families.”

“You got it.”

Ava makes her way down the stairs and I nod my head gesturing for her to come stand next to me.

“What’s going on,” she questions.

“Abbassa i toni,”Sal calls over everyone, “Quiet down.”

As if God himself has spoken, side conversations are immediately halted and all attention is on him. The respect his power commands is unlike any other.

“This shit ends now,” his voices bellows throughout the hall, “This family will not be seen as weak. If we don’t know which family is behind this, fuck ‘em all!”

I feel Ava’s fingers slip in between mine before she squeezes my hand. Turning towards her, I immediately notice the concerned look on her face.

“Fuck ‘em all,” Sal repeats, “We hit them all on Monday. The Russians. The Armenians. The Triad. The Yakuza. Fucking all of them. Take the weekend, get your families situated. Monday night, we go to war.”

Ava’s hand squeezes mine again.

“This isn’t the first time,” I whisper to her, “and it will not be the last. You are safe here.”

“Are you sure?”

“This house is a fortress. A well protected fortress. No one is getting in here.”