My chest is heaving as I continue to drag the knife all the way to his navel, leaving a trail of blood in its wake as he screams for mercy.

“There is no mercy here,” I slowly press the blade into his stomach to the hilt before twisting it. He screams in agony as the blade twists and cuts through more of his flesh.

Slowly pulling the blade from him, I momentarily turn to check on Ava to ensure this is not too much for her. Her body is bent forward, her forearms resting on her knees. My eyes scale up her body to her chest, her breathing visibly heavy. Her mouth is slightly agape and her eyes are wide. When her gaze meets mine, all I can see is her fire and need. Her eyes are fixated on me, focused on my every move with unwavering amazement.

Fuck! Watching me work actually turns her on. That look in her eyes is undeniable.

My cock twitches as I shove the knife into his thigh, his screams immediately filling the room.

“Gregorian,” he cries out with my blade still in his thigh.

“What about Gregorian?”

“I’ve seen him with the oyabun,” he pants out through his pain, “That’s all I know.”

Pulling the knife from his thigh, I thrust it under his chin. Blood pools down his neck as his as the light of life slowly drains from his eyes.

“Fucking Armenians,” Luca groans. And had it not been for his words, I almost would have forgotten that he was present. As the life pumped from the man hanging from the ceiling, my eyes were fixed on Ava.

Pulling the knife from him, I slide each side of the blade over the thigh of my pants as my gaze returns to Ava.

“Leave us,” I command towards Luca.

“Renzo,” his voice questioning.

“Out,” I bellow back in response as I stalk towards Ava, knife still in hand. My cock has grown painfully tight against the confines of my pants.

I turn back just long enough to ensure that Luca went downstairs, before giving my full attention back to Ava.

Short heavy breaths have her breasts heaving. Most men would assume it is because she is scared or panicking over what she was watching, but the faint aroma of her arousal tells me otherwise. Her knees part as I reach her, eagerly making room for me between her thighs. I watch as her chest heaves when I step between them.

“You like watching me work,” my blood-tinged thumb slowly swipes across her lower lip, “I can smell your sweet cunt from across the room. And I can see the bloodlust in your eyes.”

Ava simply stares back at me, her chest heaving increasingly faster with each breath as I slide her dress up to her thighs.

“Off,” I command and she lifts each of her thighs providing me the access I need to pull the dress from under her hips and over her head.



Watching Renzo torture this man should disgust me. It should scare me and be utterly repulsive. Yet he is so masterful at his craft that I cannot help but be enamored with him. He is fucking fearless. Ruthless…and his face when he looks at me.

Fuck. What is wrong with me?

By the time he kills the unknown man, my panties are soaked, my pussy is throbbing, and I can barely breathe.

He demands Luca leave us as he wipes the bloody blade across the thigh of his pants and stalks towards me. My heart is pounding in my chest as he gets closer to me. With each step, the splatter of blood across his body becomes more apparent. Regardless of his appearance, my knees part for him when he reaches me.

He swipes the metallic taste of blood across my lower lip, before pulling my dress over my head and tossing it to the floor.

Renzo places the tip of the knife against my chin and slowly rakes it down my neck, scratching my skin as it drags. My breaths are ragged as the knife trails from my chest to my navel, now knowing first hand what he is capable of doing with it. Yet, my body involuntarily arches towards him, longing for his touch.

Pulling the knife away from my body, he dips a finger under the top of my panties and pulls them firmly into his palm as the knife slices through the thin straps on each of my hips shredding them from my body. Renzo throws them to the floor as he presses my thighs wider.

Quickly undoing his belt, he unfastens his pants freeing his massive, hard cock. With his golden eyes fully fixated on mine, he drags the cool flat edge of the blade over my slit while pressing the head of his cock against my entrance. My hips rock trying desperately to pull him inside of me, and his large hand firmly grips my hip to hold me in place.

“Carefulpiccola pesca,” he warns as he drags the knife up towards my throat, “you need to stay still.”