Grabbing my hand, he walks with me into the warehouse. Crossing the vast open area of the main floor, we head to the stairs running along the back of the building.

After the first two steps, he stops and turns, looking back at me. I see the hesitation in his eyes, and hope that he sees mine are brimming with a mixture of trepidation and excitement.

I squeeze his hand, urging him to go on. Taking my cue, he turns and continues up the to the landing where Luca is waiting.

Behind Luca is man with his wrists wrapped in chains and his naked body is hanging from them. While his face looks brave, the look in his eyes is of absolute terror.

“You brought her,” Luca questions as though I am not standing right there.

“She wants to know who I am, and to fully understand we both know she needs to see it.”

“You sure about that,” Luca looks towards me.

Nodding back at him, Renzo walks me towards the back of the room. When we reach the counter, he grabs my waist and lifts me onto the countertop. Pushing my knees apart, he steps between my thighs and grips his hands around my ass before planting a wet kiss on my lips.

His eyes scan over me, and I can tell that he is thinking about something. The expression on his face changes so subtly that it is almost unnoticeable as he lifts his shirt, exposing his gun to me. Pulling it from his pants, he places it onto the counter next to me. Leaving the gun, he slowly steps back from me.

His gesture is not lost on me. He trusts me. Trusts me, at least enough to know that I will not take his own gun and turn it on him. The fact that he knew that with near certainty before I did, baffles the hell out of me.

Renzo slowly the rolls the sleeves to his shirt exposing forearms. Detailed tattoos swirl around the veins and flexing muscles. I bite my lower lip and press my thighs together as my body reacts to the mere sight of him.



I don’t want to hide this side of myself from her. She deserves to know what kind of man I am. Pain. Suffering. Death. This is what I do for a living, and I fucking love my job.

The pleasure that I get from inflicting pain and killing is nearly euphoric.

She has seen bits and pieces of the man I am. But will she be able to look at me the same after she sees that side of me?

Rolling up my sleeves, I look back at her one more time before getting to work. For one of the first times in my life, I feel fear. Looking at her, I am afraid this is the last time she will like at me like this.

I walk towards the man I am here to see. He is a low-level member of the Yakuza, but certain people have overheard him talking about the hits on our family, obviously peeking our interest.

“Do you know who I am,” my voice dark as I grab a knife from the table next to his swinging body. Opting for a large one, I flip it in my hand so that the handle is facing him.

Ramming the butt of the knife into his gut, he lets out a loud grunt, as his body spins in the chains.

“I asked you a question,” my voice growing increasingly angry, “Do you know who the fuck I am?”

“Lorenzo,” he violently sucks in air, “Botti…celli.”

“Good,” I spin the knife in my palm, turning the blade towards him.

Grabbing hold of him, to stop him from spinning, I press the sharp tip of the knife against his flank. Slowly applying more pressure, the tip breaks his skin and a trickle blood runs down his thigh.

Leaving the tip just inside of his skin, I continue, “What do you know about the fires?”

“Nothing,” he cries, “ I don’t know nothing.”

Plunging the knife deep into his abdomen, I quickly pull it out and press just the tip through his flesh an inch above the hole my knife was just in.

“Don’t lie to me,” I slightly twist the tip of the knife widening the hole, “We’ve heard you talking all over the city.”

“I don’t-,” his words cut short by two quick and meticulous plunges of my knife. Each strike painful, not lethal, as I inch closer to his chest, blood now oozing down his leg.

“I thought I was clear,” dragging the tip of the knife through the flesh of his chest opening a shallow wound, “Don’t fucking lie to me.”