Page 97 of Dark Surrender

“What...Where...,” she tried asking.

“Don’t worry about that now,” the nurse said, glancing at the machines. “Just try to relax and know that you are going to be fine.”

I’m alive.

In those last moments, the sound, the screaming, the utter terror...Emma couldn’t get it out of her head. Tears poured down her face, and she began to tremble.

The nurse’s eyes met hers, then she reached and clicked something, and within seconds, Emma felt herself calming.

The IV in her arm.


Well, fuck, I’ll take five more of those, please.

“I’ll go tell the others,” her dad said, reaching to rub her leg. “Relax, Em. I’ll be back in the minute.”

Her mom sat down in the chair and laid a hand on her arm, while Lily and Kevin stood at the end of her bed, still hugging.

They’d known each other all their lives too, and Emma was glad Kevin was comforting her.

“I thought I was going to die,” Emma said. “I—”

“Shhh, you’re here. You survived,” her mom said. “Four of the passengers didn’t, and I’m not going to apologize for saying I’m glad it wasn’t you.”

Four dead? Oh my God!

People died.

The machines started beeping as her heart rate sped up.

“Shit, sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.” Her mom clicked the IV again.

“Em, it’s okay,” Lily said, placing her hand on Emma’s leg.

Calm spread through her.Love that stuff.

More of her memories began to return.


His beautiful face, that dream body, the way he’d held her in his arms. After what she’d been through, she felt stupid about leaving and not facing him like a grown-up.

Even his words seemed irrelevant in the scheme of things. Funny how life and death put things into perspective.


Regret laced through her. She should have said goodbye to her friend. What if it had been the last time she’d ever seen her?

Emma’s eyelids grew heavy.

“Go back to sleep. I’ll be here,” her mom said.

Then the darkness descended.


“I’LL SIT WITH HER WHILEyou go, if that’s okay?” a voice which seemed completely out of place said.